TT2.47b: Outtakes of Time

What if this serial were being filmed? What would end up in the blooper reel? I imagined some 14 scenes back in 2002, and after slight updates, present them here for your amusement. All “outtakes” come from Part 45, Part 46 and Part 47, so read those first for context! (Also, spoilers ahead!)



Clarke nodded, looking back down at the young brunette. “I think I’m going to take her home then.”

“You do that,” Frank agreed. “I’ll get the time machine and our other supplies stowed away, then go to the hospital to check on Carrie.”

“I’ll head right there,” Corry remarked. He shrugged at the other two as they stared at him. “What? I… have a reason for this other than it’s necessary for the plot… I should probably check my line….”  


“Frank, thank god you’re here and still alive!” Luci said. Not sure what else to do, he gave her a quick hug back. The small girl finally pulled away, only to reach up and give his cheek a smack. His glasses flew off his face as he almost lost his balance. “Oop… too hard?” Luci said apologetically. Frank reached up to rub his jaw.  


Laurie stared at both her brother and her friend. She turned again to look down the hall. Towards the girl who was better than her. At school, at athletics, at popularity, at practically everything… including, perhaps, at taking things a bit too far. She started walking. Only to trip over her shoelaces, falling down right in front of Carrie’s room.

Carrie poked her head out of the doorway. “As you can see, I’m growing stronger by the minute. I can even untie shoes at twenty paces!”  


Laurie didn’t look back. Not even after peering into Carrie’s room, and seeing the doctor and another orderly frozen to the spot. As was Carrie’s father, sitting by her bed. Though she did let out a gasp when Carrie turned to face her. The blonde’s eyes were yellow-gold, and her hair and hospital robe were fluttering around her in some nonexistent wind.

“Why did you mmmmmmph," Carrie said as her blonde hair blew right in front of her face.  


“WHAT? Are you, like, SERIOUS?!”

“Chartreuse, Carrie seems bent on killing everybody no matter what,” Corry countered. “How does that old saying go, ‘The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many’?” He paused. “Er, wait….”

“There’s also one that says ‘The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one’,” Laurie remarked. “So yeah, let’s kill her! Get the knives!”


About two paces from the door to Carrie’s room, Lee stopped. He looked back, a puzzled expression on his face. Then he walked all the way back. “Hey, why was I going to that room again?” he inquired.

The others exchanged a glance. “You were, you know, going to ask Carrie if she knew more about, like, a building, such as this one, with, you know, a fanatic in it, who’s like, you know, going to kill her, so, like, omigod, I so totally don’t know what I’m saying anymore,” Chartreuse reminded him.

“Oh! Yeah,” Lee said. “It’s so much clearer now.”


“W-Well… I was just thinking,” Tim began. “The police think Julie shot Carrie. We don’t want them to think that. Right?" Clarke nodded. “So, why not give Julie an alibi?"

Clarke stared. Then he sat bolt upright. “Of course! We can take Julie back to the evening of November the twelfth, and be somewhere in public when that’s not right, you had more dialogue, didn’t you.”

“Oh, I d-didn’t need that line!” Tim protested.


“By now? He’ll be at the hospital,” Luci said, marching into the LaMille house with the time machine. “Your alibi plan is great, but we’re short on time. Since Frank is maybe the only one Carrie will listen to any more, I told him to keep going.”

She continued into the sitting room, stopping only once she’d reached the couch where both Tim and Julie were sitting.

“Luci?” Julie murmured, looking a bit dazed as she tilted her head up. “Can you believe this is my only line?”

“I can,” Luci admitted. “You got more than enough last episode.”


Her scream was incoherent, even as her palm came flying at his face. But he had half expected that reaction. So he ducked.

And then he sprang back up, his own palm out, and scarcely believing that he was doing it, he slapped it hard against the cheek of the girl who could destroy them all. “DO YOU TAKE ME TO BE YOUR HUSBAND, CARRIE?!”

“I D— WHOA, that was NOT the right line!!”

“I was double dared. Romance stories are more popular,” Frank reasoned.

Carrie rolled her eyes. “I’d expect a ring first.”


“How can I help?” Chartreuse asked.

Carrie grimaced. “Catch me.” And the timer clicked down, to three seconds, then two… and then one, and then zero.

“Boom,” Chartreuse remarked. “Nice work, Carrie.”

“Okay, that was supposed to stop,” Carrie observed. “Who’s in charge of the bomb?”

“So we’re dead now?” Lee mused. “Man, that sucks. So much for next season.”


“How can I help?” Chartreuse asked.

Carrie grimaced. “Catch me.” And the timer clicked down, to three seconds, then two… where it froze, as Carrie crumpled towards the floor. She landed hard on her ass.

“Ouch! Chartreuse, you were supposed to catch me!!” the blonde exclaimed.

“Sorry, I had my eye on the timer,” Chartreuse apologized.


“How can I help?” Chartreuse asked.

Carrie grimaced. “Catch me.” And the timer clicked down, to three seconds, then two… where it froze, as Carrie crumpled towards the floor. Chartreuse let out a gasp, supporting Carrie but misjudging her weight and letting the blonde fall upon her in a tangle of limbs.

“Getting there,” Carrie remarked.


“How can I help?” Chartreuse asked.

Carrie grimaced. “Catch me.” And the timer clicked down, to three seconds, then two… where it froze, as Carrie crumpled towards the floor. Chartreuse let out a gasp, supporting Carrie and guiding her carefully down into a prone position.

There was a moment of silence. “Damn it, I have a line here,” Carrie sighed.

“You’re supposed to remove our memories now,” Corry remarked. “Oh, the irony.”


Carrie shrugged, then winked at him. “Fine, then consider it my way of telling you everything is back to normal.”

“Except I’m not taking it lying down this time,” Frank countered, springing up off his own swing, and extending his hands as if to tickle her.

Carrie let out a little yelp of astonishment, attempting a sidestep but Frank anticipated the move. He managed to pull her down on top of him.

“Ooooh, ow, hey, you’re not supposed to get me!” Carrie protested, laughing despite herself.

“I think it’s fitting, we were in this position in episode one,” Frank pointed out.

“I suppose so. But move those hands any higher and you will have trouble doing a second take,” Carrie warned.





G Taylor @EpsilonTime