With “Time & Tied” wrapping up on Tuesday, May 30th, this site will transition back to “Epsilon Project”. For those who were not here prior to July 2016, that’s a serial I write on the fly, based on YOUR VOTES. Each week I’ll crank out another 2,000 words or so, leaving off at a decision point. Voting will be open from Sunday through Wednesday, at which point I take the most popular option, and continue the story.
[caption id=“attachment_134” align=“alignright” width=“137”] Chartreuse (commission)[/caption]
The story concept in brief? I have a lot of characters (from role-play sessions, old stories, etc), and they come together to solve problems on Earths in a MultiVerse. Every story stands alone, on a new Earth, but there is a thread running through them - that of the project itself. Chartreuse appeared in the “Epsilon Project” story “Wish Fulfilment”, if you would like to read a prior effort featuring a “Time & Tied” character. (I can also claim that story to be canon, since I own both universes…)
What plot shall we pick this time? VR/RPG game stories are popular these days, and I have a vague idea in mind. The Station having problems will likely connect to Alice being fired (see Story 3) and the one who replaced her. The Project Member in trouble would likely be Alijda, but I don’t want to pin myself down yet, so it’s generic. What’s best? Voting will remain open until the end of the month (May 31st).
[polldaddy poll=9754085]
What characters will be involved? I want to bring in Rosemary Thorne, a lesbian university student from a recent story, because I find her fun to write. Katherine “Kat” Conway won the preferred character poll at the end of Story 3, so we’ll have him back. (I know Chartreuse won the poll in Story 2, but I need a bit of a break from her. Also, only 3 votes total on that poll, Kat had more. Those who like Chartreuse, I think you’ll like Rosemary too.)
[caption id=“attachment_420” align=“alignright” width=“125”] Alice (commission)[/caption]
Do we add a third character? I’m going to toss this one out at the rest of you. Alice just got kicked off the “Epsilon Project” - do we bring her back? (For those who don’t know, Alice has a great memory, though it trends towards quoting scifi and fantasy shows.) When we left off, she was staying with Alijda - do we bring her back too? (For those who don’t know, Alijda has the teleport ability, and takes medication for depression.)
[polldaddy poll=9754088]
Of note, if “neither” of them is chosen, yet “Project Member in trouble” becomes the plot - and if I can’t think of a better alternative in the next week - the likely result will be one of them disappearing. (Hence in trouble, but not directly in the story. Which one? Likely whoever was higher after “neither”.)
Thank you for voting! I hope you’ll return to vote again after the first part comes out on Sunday, June 4th.
Know that if you like the idea of voting on serial outcomes, Redwood Crossing is a serial which does this every week. (They also have a lesbian main character.) Check them out. If you really dislike my plan, but liked “Time & Tied”, know that I plan to tool about with the sequel, “Time Untied” for as long as motivation lasts. (Comments can help motivate.) It won’t be out until 2018 at the earliest, so my current plan is to re-run an old serial after “Epsilon”. Hope you at least come back for that?
Thanks for reading, feel free to comment if you have any questions or additional suggestions.