The nonspecific continuation

“These events do form an unusual sequence,” Max Value stated, a bit nonplussed.
“Don’t react negatively,” Dr. Waterson advised. “You must discover the cause so that we can limit such occurrences before they increase without bound.”
Having met with Ana and Max Value, Dr. Waterson and Elly were now persuading the PI to assist them in their investigation of errors at l’Hopital Central.
“Well, my case volume is low and your arguments seem solid on the surface,” Max yielded. “So I’ll get to the point. Electra, any line on people in the area out to wreck your reputation?”
“No, I don’t hang out in circles containing such squares,” Elly replied.
“Are you certain there’s no one, in any shape or form? Perhaps a platonic relationship?”
Elly sighed. “Read my ellipse: Try angles other than your wrecked angle. Maybe contact the Pentagon?”
“Or heck, Saigon,” Max retorted. “After all, I have an informant over there, Gene Etic. He’s my link for criminal confinement cases…”
“Dear,” Ana phrased, moving forwards. “This case has nothing to do with jail cell divisions.”
“AIe!” Elly yelped. “Get off my toe, sis!”
“So who might be involved in this business then?” Max mum-bled, scanning some files. “Someone in marketing? Apparently Eko Nomics decks people… hey, where’s DECA gone?”
“If I may,” Dr. Waterson cut in. “The trouble is primarily financial with the added dimension here including lopped off decimals and negative numbers which were dashed off. It will lead to positive chaos.”
“Aha!” Max realized, raising a digit. “That’s why your number’s up! Figures. But you can count on me.”
“You’re acting a bit irrational about the whole thing,” Elly remarked.
“Max has been dealing with complex cases, it’s only natural,” Ana soothed. “Leave everything in our hands, I’ll even foot the bill.”
“Give us a heads up then if you kneed more info,” Dr. Waterson stated. “We’ll keep in touch as friends and family. But right now me and Elly should start trekking the long distance back to work.”
There was a pause after the two Hopital workers departed. “Well, their case doesn’t seem very arresting,” Ana finally piped up to Max. “How much attention do you think it warrants?”
“Quite a lot,” Max countered, producing a table he put on his desk. “Because I think some of my other cases here are connected! Mark my words Ana, there’s something deep going on here. But it’s not so deep that I can’t get to the bottom of it!”
Not to be discontinued…?
-Greg “hologrami” Taylor
[If it's not about polygons, it's about mitosis. The 2001 hospital saga continues, as more familiar characters return. What do you think? It was actually somewhat planned out in advance this time.]