Why won’t that place just die?

“Your ex claimed exclamation marks!” exclaimed Max Value.
“Exactly, extraordinary exchange,” expressed experienced Expo executive Exeter excitedly. “Except extremely expensive experiment, exporting extracted exam exclamations! Excerpts exited existence exponentially!”
“Excellent extra example,” Max said, hanging up the external extension.
“Explain what function that call served?” Ana asked the PI.
“I can add it to my composite,” Max revealed. “I now have many prime cases with odd factors.”
“Are you positive?”
“Naturally.” Max proceeded to pull several files. “There is just one common thread I’ve seen running through all these processes. Observe the following cases! Colonel Space spoiling nachos. Jordan missing cannon nickel forms. The Gram Schmidt ortho gone, Ali Zay’s shun process—”
“Enough!” Ana interrupted. “What is the common factor?”
“Its identity,” Max said, “Is… punctuation! Or more precisely a lack thereof.”
Ana frowned. “But Electra’s case involved no missing punctuation, it had to do with lopped off decimals,” she recalled.
“Ah, unfortunately I’ve discovered that connection has time doubt,” Max remarked. “So while the decimation of her numbers does occur within the same time period, I must set her case aside temporarily to concentrate more closely on the punctuation caper.”
“But while we caper and bandy about, who is left to orchestrate how l’Hopital Central conducts itself?” Ana noted. “This is the pits!”
Indeed, back at the l’Hopital, things were hardly peachy. “I’m plum tired,” Electra remarked gingerly to Dr. Waterson. “Earlier I saw a man go by with the key we needed for a pre-cot storage area. I’m so berried in work I was nuts enough to let the seedy guy leave.”
“Work is a mixed bag,” Dr. Waterson agreed. “Even my breakfasts of late are not Special K-complete.”
“Do you think there’s any angles or incidents we can pursue to help with Max’s investigation?” Elly reflected.
“Perhaps. But we should look before we leap or something may throw us for a loop,” Dr. Waterson stated.
Suddenly, the form of Dr. Waterson was encompassed in a wash of blue light, accompanied by a tingle of static energy. Unnoticed by anyone, she had just been replaced by Dr. Sham Breakit of mathNEWS Quantum Loop fame.
“WHILE I think I got that, could you REPEAT UNTIL I know FOR sure?” Elly asked.
“Oh boy,” Sham concluded.
To be improved…?
-Greg “hologrami” Taylor
[How's that for a teaser? Continuity-wise, this takes place after all previous Quantum Loops. And how many mathematical references are you catching, amid the random wordplay? I feel like it was a goal of mine to get the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process in there. Oh well, hope you're enjoying the twenty-year-old rerun... feel free to let me know!]