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<commercial break; Ami, Greg and Urawa skating, they trip over Ami's computer>
Ami was still trying to figure out what to say when abruptly a bell sounded, and Urawa looked around. "Look, I'm sorry for springing this on you," he said to Ami. "I thought we'd have more time… you'd better get to class. We'll… we'll talk tomorrow."
Ami nodded mutely as the words sank in, and she quickly hurried off, mind whirling.
The rest of the day was pretty much a blur to her. She couldn't believe what was happening. She'd had her first kiss from a guy she'd barely met. And Urawa was back. Of all the things to happen…
Well, she couldn't deny she'd had feelings for Urawa. But were they still there? And what of that exchange student? What was it she was feeling about him? And, perhaps more importantly, what did he think about her? Ami wrestled with the questions in her mind, but could come to no clear conclusion. She was just as confused as she'd been hours ago.
"Ami? Are you listening?" Minako asked her.
Ami blinked, remembering where she was… studying at Rei's temple with Minako, Makoto and Rei. Usagi was late, as usual. "Sorry, could you repeat that?" she asked.
"Ami, you're not usually this unobservant," Makoto pointed out. "Are you feeling all right? Has something happened?"
Ami found herself unable to suppress a giggle. What hadn't happened to her of late? She shook her head with a sigh. "No, nothing…" she replied, more soberly. "Well, not exactly…" she corrected.
After all, maybe her friends could at least shed some light on the Urawa situation…
"That is… I… Urawa's back in town," she finally blurted out.
Her friends paused in surprise. "He's visiting Japan and came to see you?" Rei prompted.
Ami shook her head ruefully. "He's living here again… and going to my school…" Ami took a deep breath. "And he wants to get back together," she admitted.
There was a pause as Ami looked uncertainly at the expressions on her friend's faces. "The guy has a lot of nerve," Makoto commented. "Dumping you, vanishing for months and then suddenly trying to pretend nothing's happened."
"Well, it's not exactly like that --" Ami began.
"Oh, I don't know, I think it's romantic," Minako pointed out to Makoto. "Urawa's obviously never gotten over her… and they did make a good couple, you said so yourself."
"I'm not sure if that's --" Ami started.
"I don't know," Rei added. "This all seems rather sudden. He might have some as yet unknown reason… I remember he could have visions of the future. What do you think, Ami?"
Ami shrugged. "I… I don't know," she responded, somewhat dejectedly. She shook her head. "I'm not really sure what I feel anymore."
"Feel about what?" Usagi asked, walking into the room.
"About Ami having a boyfriend again," Minako clarified.
"Ah, are we talking about that new student from overseas?" Usagi inquired.
"An overseas student?" chorused the others. Ami moaned and put her head in her hands.
"We were talking about Urawa being back in town," Rei indicated.
"Oops…" put forth Usagi. "Actually, I remember seeing Urawa this morning too," Usagi recalled. "So he wants to restart their relationship?"
"Wait, who's this exchange student?" Minako wondered.
"You mean that Canadian student at our school?" Makoto asked. "He's gotten pretty popular in two days. I'd say he reminds me of my old boyfriend - but you'd probably see that line coming," she noted with a smile.
The others rolled their eyes while Ami tried not to look worried, hoping to her self that this was just another of Makoto's jokes or short-lived whims.
"But if that's him what's he have to do with Ami?" Makoto continued, undaunted.
"Yes, that's him," Usagi verified. "Ami was showing him around before class yesterday."
"Don't jump to conclusions," Ami said hurriedly. "We reside… close by. I just sort of ended up as a guide." Better not to bother her friends with the rest of her problems. At least, not right now.
"Soooo… is this why you're hesitant about Urawa?" Minako asked slyly.
"I don't believe it. Suddenly Ami gets all the guys," Rei said, shaking her head.
"It's not like that," Ami protested. "Greg is just an acquaintance… I barely know him! And Urawa, well, I'm just not sure how I feel about him anymore…" her voice trailed off as she started at the smiling faces of her four friends. "Oh, stop," she finally muttered, blushing furiously.
"Okay, okay," Makoto said, with a wink. "But if you need any help or advice, you know we're here for you…" Ami nodded, and gave a small smile.
"Speaking of help, I don't understand half of what this assignment is asking me to do," Usagi admitted. "Ami, do you have time to explain this before you go…?"
Ami giggled. "Of course," she agreed.
When Ami got home that evening, she again found Greg alone in the kitchen. There was another thing… if she got back together with Urawa, what would he think of the current rooming situation? And what would Greg think?
Ami sighed for what felt like the thousandth time that day. At least it looked like her mother had managed get around to doing some cooking earlier.
Greg waved as Ami walked in and took a seat. "Good evening," he said. "Your mom found time to cook tonight. It's quite good… I'll have to compare sometime to see if beauty isn't the only thing that runs in your family," he commented.
Ami shrugged as she picked up a fork. "It's amazing what genetics can tell you these days," she remarked, somewhat despondently.
Greg raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" he asked.
Ami looked up. "Why do you think anything's wrong?" she returned.
"Well, you seemed preoccupied back in school…" Greg observed. "And just now you didn't react at all to my comment. Usually you'd blush or something. …kind of like how you're starting to now."
Ami turned her face away, mildly embarrassed. "Look, I… I'm fine. There's nothing you can do, so don't worry about it."
There was a pause. "All right, I won't pry into your personal affairs if you don't want me to," Greg finally said. "But I'm sure whatever it is, it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. If it's not urgent, forget about it for the time being. Go shopping. Talk with a friend. Study. Things will get better I'm sure."
Ami turned back with a frown. "Greg, problems don't go away if you ignore them," she objected.
"But there are times to deal with problems and times to decide to deal with problems later," Greg responded. "And you look like someone who needs a bit of a break. Some decisions in life aren't due in before class the next day."
He shrugged and got up from the table.
"It's just a shame not to see that lovely smile of yours," Greg added with a grin. He paused again, then went and put his dishes in the sink. "Anyway, enjoy your dinner…," he concluded.
Ami watched as Greg walked out of the room. She absently took another bite, contemplating what he'd said. She wasn't sure she completely agreed, but one thing seemed clear… worrying about it would get her nowhere right now. She just wasn't used to this sort of thing happening… it happened to other people if at all!
Well, the situation wasn't out of control yet. She'd talk with Urawa tomorrow, maybe get him to give her time to think things over. That decision made, Ami finished her dinner with a smile and hurried off to do her homework.
"Well, you seem happier today," remarked Greg as he and Ami arrived at school. Breakfast had pretty much been as usual; minus the marmalade.
"Must be your imagination," Ami replied with a hint of a smile.
Greg paused. "No… my imagination gives me much more interesting images…" he commented, rubbing his chin.
Ami blinked then shook her head. Did he ever stop? "Do I want to know?" she inquired.
"Probably not, most of it involves chemistry," Greg replied with a shrug. "Anyway, see you in class," he finished, hurrying off.
Ami proceeded on to her locker, frowning slightly. Who was the real Greg anyway? Did she want to know?
"Ami!" came the familiar voice.
Ami looked up. She felt prepared this time. "Urawa," she greeted him.
"Ami…" Urawa continued hurrying up. "I'm sorry for springing everything on you yesterday, it… it was probably a lot to digest. And if you need more time to sort things out, that's… that's fine with me."
Ami paused, her mouth open and those very words on her lips. "Er… yes, I'd… I'd appreciate that," she stated in surprise.
Urawa nodded. "I'll level with you, Ami. I… I wasn't going to push the point. After transferring I was going to take it slow. But had a vision a few days ago of you… and someone else…"
Urawa shook his head.
"For some reason, that just got to me. But at the moment you still seem unattached - and of course, you showed me the future is mutable. So I guess I was just too eager to change things."
Ami blinked. "You saw me… and someone else?" she whispered. "Who?"
Urawa shrugged. "I'm not sure who. I didn't recognize him…" Urawa smiled ruefully. "Heck, I suppose it might just be someone you're tutoring and everything is just my overactive imagination. But it made me realize I still care for you, and now that I can be here… but you obviously need time. I'll be starting classes again today, so I'll be around. Though please think it over…"
Ami nodded, mutely. Urawa smiled back, waved, and proceeded down the hall.
Ami removed her shoes from her locker, mind whirling again. Had Urawa had a vision of her with Greg? Was it due to them living together, or something more? There was still the matter of that kiss… but Greg didn't seem to understand her feelings about that. Or at least he gave that impression.
Then again, maybe in the vision she hadn't been with Greg at all! Ami shook her head. Things were getting complicated again.
Ami found she was the first to arrive home that evening; her teacher had been ill so juku had been cancelled and she'd declined Usagi's invitation to go to the arcade. She felt like she needed some time to herself, especially now that it seemed both Greg and Urawa were going to be in her classes.
There seemed to be a parcel inside the door; figuring her mother had signed for it, Ami took it into the living room. There didn't seem to be a label on it… perhaps her it was from her father.
Ami opened the box, wondering what he could have sent this time. She started looking through the contents in confusion.
Some English novels… videocassettes… notebooks… this wasn't from her father. Who…? Ami suddenly blinked at the writing on one of the books.
These were Greg's things! With a gasp, Ami started putting everything back in the box, blushing furiously. She was going to have to get used to the fact she was sharing this house!
In her haste, a photograph accidentally fell from one of the books. Ami quickly scooped it up, then paused and did a double take. It was a picture of Greg… but… he was with… with… Minako???
Was she imagining things? How could they possibly know each other?? And if they did know each other… in what capacity? What did it all mean?
"This can't be happening," Ami murmured, unable to tear her gaze from the photo. "This… just… can't…" she repeated, her voice fading into nothing.
<closing theme>