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<commercial break; Ami, Greg and Urawa skating, they trip over Ami's computer>
'God does not play dice with the universe', Ami quoted to herself. 'But this is getting ridiculous…'
Once again, in trying to avoid her love troubles, they'd managed to follow her anyway. Ami forced herself to clear her throat. "How… how long have you been working here?" she asked.
Greg shrugged and adjusted the apron he wore, the tipoff to his current employment. "Since the start of this week," he noted. "A nice way to meet people and earn extra cash. Just happened to stop by after school Monday when one of the previous workers quit. I offered temporary help, and after that and another stint on Tuesday, Motoki offered me part-time work. I needed a job anyway, so why not?"
Ami nodded. It seemed like she wouldn't be stopping by the Game Centre for a while either… she glanced about quickly wondering how she might get away.
"So, the game's not ready yet?" Makoto put in quickly.
Greg nodded. "Some trouble with adaptors or software I think," he volunteered.
"Okay, well… me and Ami should really be going then," Makoto said, glancing at Ami for verification.
Ami blinked as if in a daze, then murmured agreement.
"Well, come again," Greg said with a bemused look and a wave. "It'll be working Monday." Makoto and Ami waved back and returned outside. Once on the sidewalk, Makoto turned to Ami.
"I wasn't sure if you wanted to stick around or not, given how you looked and the troubles Usagi said you seem to be having," Makoto explained. "Though if you want to go back…"
Ami shook her head. "No, no… it's fine. I think I'll just go study a bit. See you at the temple tonight." With a quick wave she hurried off.
Makoto stared after her. Ami really seemed to be having troubles coping with her situation - and Makoto found it a bit upsetting that she couldn't seem to aid her friend. With any luck she'd open up a bit at the temple this evening so they could help her through the difficulty; she wondered exactly what it was now…
Fear of rumours at school? Accommodations with Greg? Something to do with Urawa?
"A kiss??" Rei interjected.
Ami nodded, biting her lower lip. The study session had seemed to be already underway when she'd arrived earlier… Usagi having trouble as usual, though the others with some difficulties as well. She'd fielded questions for a while, then somehow the conversation had turned to guys and relationships. Then more specifically to her.
And before she knew it she'd been telling them about what had happened with Urawa. Reflecting on it, it was almost like she'd been set up… and yet Ami had to admit, the talking seemed to have helped. Her thoughts were a little more organized now and she wasn't as worried.
At least her friends appeared to be on her side… though they had a tendency to go a bit overboard sometimes.
"And before you ask," Ami said quickly, "It was nice but I'm not sure how I feel about it… now or then. Especially with the situation of our breakup."
The others simply smiled back at her. "So, was that your first kiss then, Ami?" Makoto inquired softly.
Ami wrung her hands slightly in her lap. "S-second," she admitted. Might as well be making a clean sweep - plus it would satisfy Usagi's curiosity after she'd made that outburst on the phone. "Greg kissed me before."
Makoto raised an eyebrow. Usagi giggled and grinned. Rei tilted her head to the side. Minako was… oh no, she'd become carried away - and had forgotten about Minako's feelings for Greg!
Minako was just looking at her.
Ami bit her lip again. "I- I don't know if he was being serious," she put in quickly. "He thought I was asleep… that is…"
"So, now you can't decide, huh?" Minako interrupted her with a sudden smile.
Ami paused, then simply nodded. It seemed Minako didn't want to push the point right now… but Ami would have pay more attention to what she said in the future…!
"You know, this is the sort of problem I wish I had," Makoto muttered aloud, with a wink in Ami's direction.
Ami blushed and there was a slight pause in the conversation.
"Well, if you want my opinion," Rei offered at last, "here's something to think about… the breakup with Urawa was basically due to the problem of distance. But Greg's a transfer student from Canada - and he won't be here forever. Ultimately, you might end up with the same distance problem again."
Ami felt her heart constrict within her chest. She hadn't even thought about that…
"Oh don't be so pessimistic, Rei," Usagi interjected. "Greg might decide to stay around. Maybe move here! Or at least return if he had to leave."
Makoto nodded. "Yeah, there's no reason a relationship with Greg would end up the same way things happened with Urawa before," she agreed looking at Ami. "I'm sure you'd be able to come to some understanding…"
Rei shrugged. "I'm just pointing it out," she noted. "I don't want Ami to get hurt any more than you do."
"It really comes down to your feelings on the matter though," Minako commented. "Maybe not so much who you like, Ami… but who you like more."
Ami looked at her friends and sighed. "I… I know," she admitted. "I guess part of it is not wanting to upset either one of them."
She paused. "Greg… he seems nice overall… but he's so secretive I'm not sure how serious he'd take a relationship. But I'm having a hard time with Urawa right now too; for some silly reason I can't get our breakup out of my mind. Despite it's nature and how sorry he is about it… I just can't pick things up…"
"Catch," Rei said abruptly. Ami blinked as Rei tossed an object at her and she plucked it out of the air. "One of our lesser known temple charms," Rei explained.
"Er, it looks like some kind of medallion," Ami said dubiously.
"Sort of," Rei conceded. "I have a feeling part of your fear is in making a wrong decision. So when you do decide who you want to go out with, put their picture inside that. The medallion will bond the two of you together as long as you have it. Distance or no distance."
Ami peered closer at the item in the palm of her hand. Circular and light blue in colour, it was emblazoned noticeably with two M's and a small heart. It opened up to reveal a blank area where she assumed the picture was supposed to go. Didn't seem like things could be so simple… "You can't use charms and such to make people love you," she pointed out.
Rei smiled. "From what you've said, it sounds like both Greg and Urawa already do," she remarked. "This will just reinforce it. Provide you with more of a focus, avoid the second guessing. We haven't had bad results from the use of these medallions at least. Motoki seemed especially pleased with his…"
"Motoki got one??" Makoto choked. "For who, Reika?"
"Er, I suppose," Rei responded uncertainly. "She IS off in Africa or something, right?"
"Ooooooh, how romantic!" Usagi cut in. "Could you get one of those for me and Mamoru?" she asked.
Rei rolled her eyes. "Usagi, you're already DESTINED to be with him - and your relationship is going great," she pointed out. "It's not like Mamoru is suddenly going to move away or break up with you for no reason!"
"Weeeellll… can't hurt can it?" Usagi implored.
"We don't have a great number of these available now anyway," Rei said, shaking her head. "Can't you be happy with what you've got?"
Usagi opened her mouth to reply but Minako cut in first. "Er, not to intrude," she said hurriedly. "But it's getting late - and if I don't go my parents will probably start to wonder." The other girls glanced at their watches and with some nods and sighs the 'study' group broke up.
Ami slipped the medallion into her pocket as she stood.
"We'll have to do this again next week," Makoto commented ruefully as they headed through the doorway. "I'm afraid some of that Physics we did earlier still doesn't make much sense to me."
"…and so if you overuse a particular battery, there will be less energy available after the recharge. This is why it's important to vary your energy sources after a certain time or there could be grave consequences…"
Ami listened with half an ear to Naru's voice as she spoke on Umino's weekly "Lunchtime Views" broadcast. More of her attention was directed at the small blue medallion she held in her hand.
Who would she put into it… Greg or Urawa… quite an important decision. She certainly didn't think she could make up her mind right now… it would require careful analysis.
Ami blinked as she heard Umino say something familiar on the radio before signing off.
"What was that?" Ami said, turning to Usagi. "Did he say Urawa?"
Usagi nodded and swallowed a large bite of sandwich. "Chess Club," she remarked. "Apparently Urawa rejoined when he came back. There's a tournament on Monday, but the person who was supposed to enter it with him now can't. Urawa will need a replacement."
Ami raised an eyebrow. She was peripherally aware of most of the school activities that went on, though she didn't really have time to participate herself.
It made sense that Urawa would be in the Chess Club here though; he was very good at the game, even managing to beat Ami if she wasn't on her guard. Some of the most interesting discussions they had had had been over a chessboard…
"Shame about that really," Usagi continued, breaking into Ami's thoughts. "Not a great deal of great players here, are there? I mean, I'd encourage you to go, but this particular tournament's for males only."
~~~ I played a fair game of chess back in Canada... ~~~
"There's Greg!" Ami cried out, the memory of her conversation with him last Tuesday coming unbidden to her mind. Usagi paused and looked around the area. "No, no, I mean Greg plays chess," Ami elaborated.
"Oh," Usagi responded. She tilted her head to the side. "Think it would work with those two?" she mused.
Ami opened her mouth, then closed it again. "I… don't know," she admitted. "Probably not."
Usagi shrugged and finished eating as the bell rang, ending lunch. "Well, if anyone can make that work, you can," Usagi pointed out as she stood. "Maybe they'd even get to like each other, playing for the same side."
Ami raised a hand to her face as she got up next to Usagi. "Maybe…" she conceded, pursing her lips. It could make things worse though, couldn't it?
The two girls began to walk back towards the school.
"Well, Urawa will likely be taking offers within the next couple days - not like time's on his side. There will be someone if not Greg," Usagi affirmed.
Ami nodded, thinking as she walked. Should she get involved? She was probably the only one who knew Greg was good at chess. Or at least… he'd seemed to be. But what did she really know? And Urawa could surely find another player without her help.
Ami shook her head. Best not to get involved unless it looked like she was needed. Especially since Greg and Urawa… weren't exactly best of friends. It was almost like inviting trouble. That thought in mind, Ami reentered the school behind Usagi.
Greg glanced over his shoulder as he left the school. Ami and Urawa seemed to be discussing something by her locker. He wondered absently what about then shrugged it off and headed towards the arcade to start work.
Urawa… well, he had nothing against the guy. Except for how defensive he seemed all the time. I mean, he was the one who'd made Ami available! Unbelievable as it seemed. That hair, those eyes… the amazing intellect and insight… sweet disposition… Urawa had to have lost his mind.
Admittedly, Greg didn't know all the specifics - but really, what could have caused a breakup? Ami was… was… incredible… ineffable… indescribable.
Greg shook his head and smiled slightly. Not that he could let on. Not only was it unlikely Ami would appreciate someone outright 'drooling' over her… but getting too close to someone - that led to trouble.
People found out things that way. Things better left behind. Or forgotten. Greg frowned… well, no point dwelling on the past right now.
He looked down the street towards the arcade - and raised an eyebrow. Mamoru was there. Greg had gotten to recognize him, he seemed to hang out there with Motoki sometimes. That wasn't what caused the raised eyebrow.
What did was the fact that Mamoru's girlfriend (as far as he knew) was that girl with the hair… Usagi. So who, exactly, was this other girl Mamoru was embracing? Did Mamoru have relatives his age?
Or was it that the relationship of Ami's friend… wasn't all that it seemed to be…
<closing theme>