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'I was ONLY trying to help out Urawa. I wasn't trying to make Greg available,' Minako told herself once again. She tapped her pencil absentmindedly on her desk in the empty classroom. Class had let out several minutes ago, but Minako's mind was elsewhere.
Ever since the fiasco at Ami's house last weekend, she had decided to take a few steps back to try and work through her own feelings. But several days later the situation still hadn't really clarified itself. Her thoughts kept running in circles.
She'd become involved when Ami had expressed more interest in Greg than in Urawa. It had seemed only right to give Urawa a fair chance. She and Urawa had then not corrected anyone who'd thought they were seeing each other, like Sewaya. To see what effect it would have on the situation.
Was this when her second guessing had started?
Because Minako couldn't shake the feeling that, had Ami initially expressed more interest in Urawa than in Greg, she wouldn't have interceded at all. Yet since she'd known both Greg and Urawa before all this, if she was okay with helping one and not the other - did that mean she had a personal stake? That she didn't like the idea of Ami picking Greg? That’s what really bothered her.
That meant this wasn't matchmaking. It was putting friendship in jeopardy over love.
Admittedly, Ami not making her decision clear was vexing; it meant Minako couldn't drop her relationship thoughts of Greg, nor totally go after him to try and ignite any potential spark. But Ami was her friend, so she shouldn't be "leading" Ami into her choice of a relationship just for that reason! Did it look that way to Urawa?
She should take Urawa aside and discuss things with him more clearly... explain some of her history with Greg, in England. Ask if she could become more of a passive observer until Ami's situation resolved itself, since it was now too late to drop back out of the picture entirely.
The blonde looked up at the sound of her name.
"Minako, you should be at the scholastic contest!" said one of her friends, waving from the doorway.
Minako glanced at the clock. "That's now?"
Of course it was, that's why class had let out early. Ami was participating in that, wasn't she? The chatter had been about her school since the week began. Minako hadn't paid too much attention to it, since she had the utmost faith in Ami's abilities and hadn't figured highly on the odds of anyone at her school defeating the girl genius. But she supposed she should go to show support.
Actually, maybe Urawa had come to show support also! This could be the perfect chance to discuss things more fully with him.
"Yup! There's one really cute guy from Juuban Jr. down there too," her friend clarified. "He looks a bit foreign. I think he waved at me!"
'Greg?' Minako mused. She abruptly remembered the last time their schools had been involved in some sort of competition. The chess match, after which she had first attempted to assist Urawa. Which had been after the phone call by Greg that weekend... had his call subconsciously influenced her decision to become involved?
Minako had almost called Greg first back then, after Ami had said that he was living at her place. But she had found out that information at the same time as Ami had let on that she had some feelings for Greg. So Minako had held back.
Greg had finally called her of his own accord a week after they had first encountered each other at the amusement park. He had said that he would call, after all... but their conversation had ended up being merely idle chatter, Greg mentioning he’d visited some shrine, followed by him saying that he didn't think that they should talk on the phone in the future.
He hadn't even mentioned the chess tournament that day.
Granted, Minako was used to that sort of reaction from him; it was precisely the same way he'd acted back in England before they'd gone out. So she hadn't seen it as a rejection, just his standard operating procedure.
However, this time, given Ami's interests, Minako hadn't tried to press the point, hadn't tried to rekindle Greg's interest. Had she really fallen back on a more subtle way to determine Greg's feelings? Minako frowned.
Oooh, now she was really starting to second guess herself, and she didn't like that one bit. She really had to run some of this by someone else, and being part of the situation, Urawa seemed like the best prospect for it. And if he was at her school, this would be the perfect opportunity.
It was like fate.
Minako stood. "Well, if he waved at you, what are you doing back here then?" she inquired of her friend, quickly smiling back and hurrying to the doorway. "Let's go to the match!"
Minako arrived in time to catch most of the event. Ami won; it wasn't much of a surprise. Nodding at the friends from her school, Minako left to hurry in the direction of where she had spotted Greg and Urawa. The place had been full enough that she hadn't bothered to try and shove her way through during the match, plus Sewaya had been there too and she hadn't wanted to inadvertently start some sort of scene - as could happen with Urawa and Sewaya.
Another black mark against Sewaya, hassling his cousin that way; Urawa really was a nice guy. A guy who simply had trouble handling himself around Sewaya. And Ami, come to think.
She lost them in the crowd but spotted Urawa again right outside. "Urawa!" the blonde called out. She hurried to catch up. "Urawa!" Minako repeated.
She belatedly noticed Greg and Ami there as well. "Oh, Ami!" Minako continued as she arrived at the small clustered group. "Sorry, I didn't notice you there... great job at the knowledge competition! Caught most of it - and don't tell anyone here, but I was rooting for you instead." The blonde winked.
"T-T-Thanks..." Ami said back. She looked a bit lost, so Minako smiled again. "But anyway, if you all don't mind I need to borrow Urawa here for a while," Minako added. "There are some issues we have to discuss."
"Eruh, actually... now isn't the best time...," Urawa said, anxiously glancing back and forth between Minako and Ami.
Minako shook her head and, taking hold of Urawa's arm, she started to gently pull Urawa after her. "Don't worry, it really won't take that long," Minako noted. Quietly to Urawa, she muttered, "It's okay, we just REALLY have to discuss the situation..." With her free hand Minako gave a quick wave to Greg and Ami. "Talk to you later!" she concluded.
Thus Greg and Ami were left standing together. And, staring at the retreating forms of Minako and Urawa, Ami suddenly realized that whatever it was that she had been going to say no longer mattered. In the end, the decision had been made for her.
Moving closer to Greg, she glanced up at him. "Do you think Minako and Urawa make a nice couple?" she asked.
Greg looked down at her, surprise flickering briefly on his face before he simply shrugged. "I think Usagi and Makoto are waiting for us," he stated. "Plus won't you have juku shortly?"
Ami paused, then nodded quietly and moved off with him.
"Minako! That... this... bad timing!" Urawa finally stammered out.
Minako sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for pulling you away from Ami but you can see her at school any time... I've been doing some thinking myself of late and was hoping we could just talk at the cafe down the street for a bit?"
"But... Ami was about to give her answer! She was going to decide at last."
Minako nodded. "Yes, about that, I think-- wait, WHAT?" Minako inquired, jaw dropping. “How do you know?”
"I... asked her to make a decision," Urawa stated lamely. "She agreed to make one after the match." Admittedly, he'd been having second thoughts about that ever since the contest had actually ended, which was why he hadn't resisted the interruption too strongly.
He really had to stop putting Ami on the spot, he only ended up regretting it later.
Minako looked at Urawa for a moment. “Well,” she sighed, “returning to Ami at this point would just be awkward.” Besides, now more than ever, she wanted to know what Urawa had been up to. "So let's go to the cafe. You can tell me about this decision stuff there."
Urawa nodded, following her to the nearby location and to a secluded booth. "It was after we all ended up at Ami's place last weekend," he explained with a sigh. "When I went upstairs, Ami asked me about you. I said..."
"There's nothing between us."
Ami blinked in surprise, not having expected that particular response. "Impossible," she murmured at last. "I always see you two together these days."
Urawa took in a deep breath. "Ami, if you say not to see her any more, I won't. If you choose me, then I won't even speak to Minako if you like. But... but if you can't decide... Ami, I may have no choice but to give up on you."
"You said WHAT?!?"
Urawa grimaced. "Okay, I admit it was stupid! But you saw the scene we interrupted at her house - I felt like I had to make her decide while I still had a chance!"
"So that's why you were both so detached after you came down," Minako grumped. "Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were going to keep each other updated!"
"Sorry... I got caught up in the moment. It's not like you gave me any advance warning about Ami's mother being away either," Urawa reminded. "Then I never got around to saying anything later because of how I decided to help Ami prepare for the match today."
"Hnugh," Minako verbalized as she pressed her fingers to her forehead. "Well, you ended up contradicting yourself and sending more mixed signals about what was really going on. I hope you're happy."
"Happy?? Minako, I have no idea what to do next time I see Ami now!"
"Well, whatever you do, don't mention ME," Minako replied quickly. "And in future, it would probably be good to sow before you reap."
Urawa paused at that. "Well, as you sow, so shall you reap, true. But I don't quite see how that applies. Ami knew I liked her."
"No, no, I mean don't be a lemur," Minako insisted.
Urawa paused again. Where was she going with this? "You've lost me," he admitted.
"You know! Lemurs! Those things that end up reaping cliffs?"
"Ohhh!" Urawa realized after a couple more seconds of thought. "Lemmings leaping off cliffs? You mean look before I leap?"
Minako frowned in puzzlement. "Uh, yeah." She paused. "Actually, things make a lot more sense that way, don't they."
Urawa stared. Then he laughed. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a good laugh, and it felt good.
Minako joined in after a couple of seconds too, and the tension between the two of them quickly melted away. Urawa finally managed to speak again a few minutes later.
"Okay," he concluded, "so now you know. I'm sorry for not saying anything sooner." He paused. "Though you were the one who pulled me aside in the first place... was there something you wanted to say too?"
“Oh, right!” Minako brushed some hair back off her forehead as she leaned forward, trying to recall her prior thoughts. "Well, it's just that... remember that day back at the tower when I mentioned to you that I had an interest in Greg? I never went into detail because I didn't think it mattered. But now I think it does. Especially in light of these recent events. So I'm going to fill you in on our history, to get your take. After all, might as well have nothing hidden between us at this point?"
Urawa peered around the door, looking into the classroom. Ami hadn't arrived yet. He wondered why he was feeling so jittery about her.
No, strike that. He was jittery because he'd gone overboard again, forcing Ami into a decision... only to seize the first opportunity to escape when she'd been about to take a stand! So when she saw him next... would she say 'Urawa, I've chosen Greg?'
"Urawa, I've chosen."
"Yaaahhhhh! Errr, yeah?" Urawa said, almost jumping out of his skin as he spun to face Ami, who had come up behind him.
"Meet me on the school roof right at the beginning of lunchtime, please?" Urawa blinked, then nodded and watched as Ami entered class.
He followed her in after a moment. Greg arrived shortly after, looking as inscrutable as ever. The morning passed slowly.
Urawa felt a knot gradually forming in his stomach to the extent that, by the time lunch rolled around, he was glad Ami hadn't asked him to wait until the end of the day. He half thought he'd be a nervous wreck by that time. Better to get this over with.
Ami was already on the roof when he got there, the wind blowing lightly through her hair. "Let me speak," she said softly in that quiet voice of hers.
Urawa nodded back as he approached.
"Ever since this began, I've been doing a lot of thinking. Maybe too much at times," Ami admitted ruefully. "But... well... Urawa, I love you."
Urawa's heart leapt.
"And I love Greg."
Urawa's heart got caught in his throat.
"I realize that now, though I'm not sure I can explain it. You know me, I have trouble with this sort of thing."
Ami fired off a weak smile, and Urawa simply nodded again.
Ami continued. "I guess it wasn't until a few days ago, after I started thinking about all the people involved, that it finally started to fall into place. I was talking with Usagi. She said that when things involved people she cared out, decisions seemed easier... that I had instincts... and that choices were sometimes painful. Which is why I think I know how things have to be now. So Urawa..." Ami took a deep breath. "Urawa, take Minako!"
Suddenly Ami was speaking all in a rush.
"I know you said that if I gave the word you wouldn't see her and that there was nothing between you. But I have to be fair to Minako. She's my friend too, and she's nice, and funny, and I think the two of you make a good match. So you should keep seeing her. Doesn't that sound like the best solution for everyone?”
Ami stopped, staring back nervously at him. "But-- !" Urawa began, before recalling the conversation of the other day.
"Well whatever you do, don't mention ME," Minako replied quickly. "And in future, it would probably be good to sow before you reap!"
Urawa been about to mention Minako. To explain how their apparent relations had just been an act, a misunderstanding. But was that such a good idea?
Minako had told him that her feelings for Greg ran deeper than Urawa had realized. Not to mention that the last time he'd revealed a misunderstanding to Ami, namely the one about his Snow White vision prior to his departure, it had just ended up causing more trouble. Because of how he hadn’t been up front to start with.
How would Ami react now if he said something like, "Minako doesn't like me, we've only been pretending. By letting your imagination run wild, we were wondering if it would give me a better chance."
"W-What? Urawa! How COULD you? I HATE you!!"
Urawa winced. If that’s how she answered in his mind, there was no way he could bear it if she actually spoke those words aloud. Plus, how would that knowledge affect Ami's friendship with Minako?
They were Sailor Senshi, they had to work together.
He blinked, realizing that she was still looking at him uncertainly. "But...?" Ami prompted.
"But... have you... talked with Minako about this...?" Urawa stammered, feeling at a complete loss. He couldn’t help but bring Minako up, right?
Ami shook her head. "After you both left yesterday, I didn't think there was really any need." She smiled. "It makes more sense if you talk to her instead, okay?"
Urawa had no response. He only knew that yes, he desperately had to talk to the blonde now, because things were worse than he'd expected. Everything was falling apart. But he didn't know what to do. What was he supposed to do?
Ami paused. "Thanks for being such a good friend," she concluded. "I have to go now, I promised Umino I'd appear on his 'Lunchtime Views' broadcast after yesterday's contest - provided he doesn't quiz me about relationships. Will you be okay?"
"Oh, yeah... good luck!" Urawa heard his voice say, although he had no recollection of forming a coherent thought, let alone the words themselves.
Ami nodded and waved. "Bye bye," she said softly.
Then she was gone, leaving the wind blowing lightly through Urawa's hair alone.
<commercial break; Minako, Urawa and Sewaya skating, they trip over Ami's computer>