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<commercial break; Minako, Urawa and Sewaya skating, they trip over Ami's computer>
"Um, are you looking for anyone in particular?"
"Eh?" Usagi turned back to Mamoru. "Oh! Ah ha ha ha... no, I just thought I recognized someone from school over there."
It was after class on Friday, and the two of them had met up at the Crown Cafe for some drinks. But Mamoru had noticed Usagi's attention becoming distracted more than once now. He let out a gentle sigh. "Kato had some important errands to run," he reassured. "She won't be coming by."
"Oh... really? Um, good..." Usagi replied, smiling weakly and rubbing the small of her back.
Mamoru sighed again. "Usako, it's come to my attention that you're worried about her. I suppose part of me understands that, given some of the rough points in our relationship - but all of that is in the past now. You KNOW you're the only one I care for, so really, there's nothing to worry about! Do you really think I'm just going to break up with you after everything we've been through?"
Usagi blushed, and started tapping her index fingers together. "Ami-chan said something very similar the other day," she admitted. "I-I'm sorry Mamo-chan. I guess I just wonder sometimes if you're spending more time with Kato than with me."
Mamoru nodded. "I suppose that's fair enough. So, since I spent last Saturday with her - how about we get together this weekend? We could go boating in the park tomorrow.”
"I'd like that!" Usagi said with a smile. "It'll have to be Sunday though, so that my parents - and Luna - will let me out of the house. We got waaay too much homework this weekend," she remarked, making a face.
"Great! Then it's a date," Mamoru concluded, smiling in return. "And really, stop worrying about Kato. I don't worry about any of your school friends after all." He winked.
Usagi giggled slightly. "Yeah, well, I'm not sure who you'd have worry about," she replied, glad that relationship things seemed to be resolving themselves.
"So, Usagi, who's your companion?" Kaijin asked idly as he leaned onto the side of the booth.
The two occupants blinked over at him in surprise.
"Oh... I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he continued, with a grin and a vague gesture. "I was just here looking for someone I saw working in the arcade last week. He doesn't seem to be around. Then I caught sight of Usagi, so thought I'd come over and say hi."
Mamoru looked back at Usagi with a bemused expression. "School friend to worry about?" he inquired.
"Acquaintance," Usagi corrected.
It was that persistent admirer again... well, maybe this was a chance to set the record straight? "Mamo-ch... er, Mamoru, this is Kaijin, Kaijin this is Mamoru. My boyfriend," she emphasized.
An eyebrow went up on Kaijin's forehead as he reached out a hand towards the older person. "Well, well. So at last we meet. My congratulations. Make sure you always take good care of her now."
Mamoru shook hands with Kaijin, more out of reflex than anything else. "Of... course..." he replied starting to feel even more puzzled.
"I'll leave you two alone then. Bye!" Kaijin waved, flashed another smile and then headed off.
Mamoru watched him leave. "Strange guy," he observed, shaking his head. He turned back to Usagi to ask her more about him, but she had apparently already dismissed him from her mind.
"So where are we meeting in the park...?" Usagi prompted. They started in on the details.
Ami pumped her legs, which made her swing a little higher. "So... that's what I decided," she concluded. "Do you think I did the right thing?"
Her friend pursed her lips. "Well... that's not really something I should be answering yet, is it? I mean, I'm still not sure I understand the whole situation."
Ami looked over. "Do you want me to go over any of it again?"
Makoto made a little face as she gradually let her own swing slow to a stop. "Nooo, it's just... well, I must admit I never saw any of this Minako business coming. It makes me wonder... well, no, perhaps I shouldn't speak..."
Ami also let her swing start to run down. "What is it? Please tell me."
Makoto sighed. "Okay, Ami. Thing is, you were just speaking about Minako as if she was already going out with Urawa - is that really the case? I can't see Minako getting involved with him so quickly, not when he cares for you. And more to the point, how much of your decision was based on that one fact?"
Ami's feet dragged on the ground as her swing finally came to rest. "You think I made the wrong choice."
"No! No, I'm not saying that," Makoto quickly refuted. "You chose Greg, and that’s great, but you seem to be dismissing Urawa very... casually. So I'm just... wondering if you're not trying to make things work out all nice and conveniently?”
Ami blinked at her uncertainly. Makoto scratched her head.
“Let me put it this way. Remember waaay back to the start, when you were denying any feelings for Urawa, and how I called you on it?" Ami nodded slowly. "And remember after you broke up, and he left, and how you also tried to deny that you felt anything? And how I called you on that too?" Ami nodded again. "Well... similar deal here," Makoto concluded. "Now that you seem to have picked Greg, you're denying any lingering feelings, either good or bad, towards Urawa."
"Because once I'm going out with one of them, I can't still love the other!"
Makoto smiled reassuringly. "Well, admittedly, you shouldn't date them both at once. But feelings are feelings, Ami. Do you really think it's so easy for Minako to be your replacement in Urawa's life? Or that Urawa won't be at all missed in yours?"
Ami slumped. "But Urawa said he'd give up... and it's better for him to be with Minako now, right?" It suddenly struck her that if she had decided the other way, would Greg have had anyone to be with? Despite his being here for - what, a month? - and accumulating admirers, Greg didn't seem close to anyone, not even Minako.
Oh, no. She hadn't based her decision on things like this, had she?
Everything had made sense last night! Should she rethink things again? She hadn't actually put either Greg or Urawa's picture into her medallion yet...
Makoto abruptly slipped out of her swing and came over to give the blue haired girl a hug. "Ami-chan... I'm not saying you need to rethink your decision," Makoto murmured, squeezing gently. "I just think you shouldn't read so much into the feelings of others that you forget about your own."
Ami hugged back. It was like Makoto knew she’d needed it. Ami liked how her friend was able to sense that, and in a way it made her glad that Usagi had gone off with Mamoru after school, giving them the chance to talk instead. Still, she'd previously acknowledged that her feelings were just as important as anyone else's... so was that really where things were going wrong? "So... what should I do now?" Ami asked.
Makoto pulled back, shaking her head. "I can't answer that, it’s your choice. You’ve been real focussed on Urawa though, what did Greg say when you told him?"
"Oh." Ami swallowed. "I... haven't... yet...?"
Makoto’s eyebrow went up. "So THAT’S the whole situation... Ami, you have to tell him. You’re not being fair to anyone until you do."
Ami winced. "I-I know. So, w-what do you think, talk first, then Rei’s medallion charm, or the other w-way around...?"
Makoto made a face. “A-mi-cha-n..."
Ami winced. "Okay! Okay, Mako-chan," Ami finally assented. It wasn't just a matter of feelings, was it. She had to own this decision. "Thank you."
"Any time." Makoto smiled. The girls remained silent for a few moments before Makoto finally ventured, "So did you actually have juku tonight, or...?"
"Oh no!" Ami gasped, belatedly realizing the time. "We've been talking that long?? I'll be late!" Leaping off the swing, Ami scooped up her bookbag and gave Makoto one last quick wave. "Thanksagainbye!"
Makoto just smiled, waving back at Ami's retreating form. "Any time," she repeated. "Whenever you need a friend."
Ami tore down the street feeling for all the world like Usagi trying not to be late for school. She felt even more like Usagi when, upon rounding a corner, she ran full tilt into another person running the opposite way, and they both fell to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs.
"Aie! I'm so sorry, I'm just going to be late..." Ami apologized, managing to stumble to her feet before moving to help up... Minako?
"Ami? That you?"
"Uh, yes," Ami answered, momentarily taken aback. "Are you all right?"
Minako nodded, brushing herself off and smiling. "Think so. Late for juku?"
"Almost. Are you late for something too?"
"No, I was just on my way to Urawa's," Minako said automatically. Then inwardly she winced, remembering who she was talking to.
"Oh." Ami looked downcast for a moment but then she smiled and said, "I knew you'd be good for each other," before she turned and continued her run towards her extra evening classes.
Minako watched her go, feeling slightly confused. Suddenly, the weird message Urawa had left, telling her to come over, merged with Ami's words in her mind. It led to a bizarre conclusion. But that meant Ami truly thought...
"My God," Minako murmured in shock.
Ami left the seminar building feeling surprisingly good about her romantic situation for once. The only thing still sitting uncomfortably with her was whether she had come across as seeming distant to Urawa, after saying she loved him too. The fact that Minako had apparently been going over to comfort him earlier was good, but it gave her mixed feelings...
WAS she so easy to replace? What was to become of her ties with Urawa? She would have to give him a call tomorrow, just to make sure she didn't end up losing him altogether... because Makoto was right, he was a part of her that she couldn't simply dismiss. She hoped he hadn't completely 'given up on her' like he'd said he would.
Shaking her head, Ami turned the final corner leading up to her house. There she stopped and blinked.
"Ami... we have to talk...," Urawa beseeched her.
Ami stood uncertainly for a few moments before finally approaching him. "Shouldn't you be out with Minako?" Ami wondered aloud. "She... she was on her way to your house earlier."
"We talked already," Urawa admitted. "That's... that's why I'm here." He paused to work up the nerve to say what he knew he had to. As Minako had reminded him earlier, they'd never meant for things to get this bad. It had just been a passing idea that day at the Tokyo Tower...
"So you think that if we act like the two of us are going out, Ami and Greg will realize they don't want to lose us, reject each other and we all live happily ever after?" Urawa clarified.
"Errrr, something like that," Minako acknowledged. "Though I doubt Greg will be affected much by me seeing someone else."
How had it gotten so out of hand? How would Ami would react to him saying something like, "Ami, there really is nothing between me and Minako. The two of us had just decided not to confirm anyone's beliefs one way or the other, to see how it might affect things."
"W-What? Urawa! You must be joking."
Urawa winced, realizing he’d spoken aloud this time. "I... I'm afraid not," he admitted. "I didn't even know about Minako's past with Greg at the time. But you can ask her yourself if you like, we've both decided to reveal the truth! And I'm especially sorry for saying I'd give up on you. I really do want you to be a part of my life... in the future I swear I'll think before I leap. Er, reap. Er, speak!"
Ami stared blankly at him.
"I... I hope you're not too angry?" Urawa finished.
"N-No..." Ami began cautiously.
Actually, in some strange way she was relieved. Relieved that she really was that irreplaceable in his life and that their relationship hadn't completely changed. But on the other hand - if neither Minako nor Urawa were interested in each other, was her justification in picking Greg still sound? Had she let her feelings be led astray by them or not?
"I'm just wondering how much rethinking is necessary here," Ami admitted.
"I can understand that," Urawa replied with a nod. So the situation might not be beyond repair. But more than that, she hadn't lashed out at him. He felt immensely relieved. But at the same time, he wasn't sure how to proceed any more.
They stared at each other for a while.
"So, uh... what do you think Greg might say?"
"About what?"
Urawa whirled. Greg was coming up behind them, wheeling his bicycle. Again with the timing! Urawa glanced at Ami, but she seemed to have frozen at the new arrival, so he turned back to answer.
"About the fact that I'm not going out with Minako."
Greg frowned. "Oh. Well, that is a problem."
Urawa nodded back. "So you know what this means then."
"Indeed," Greg answered gravely. "Sewaya's going to be able to actively pursue her again. At least Minako's a good runner."
Urawa almost nodded again before he realized what Greg had actually said. Instead, he gaped. "Er, no... I meant, don't celebrate too quickly."
"Why would I celebrate over who's dating Minako?"
"Not over that, I mean over Ami’s decision!" Urawa responded, starting to get thoroughly flummoxed. He turned to look back at Ami... and staring into her eyes, it suddenly hit him.
She hadn't told Greg. For whatever reason, Ami hadn't spoken with Greg yet.
"Ah! Now how did you know I'd decided to have Ami help me with my geography homework?" Greg inquired.
Even as he spoke he reached out to take Ami's arm, guiding her up towards the house while leaving his bike out on the pathway.
"Don't worry though, I hadn't planned on celebrating my grades until I pulled off the A."
Ami opened her mouth to interject something, but no words came out. All of a sudden things were happening quickly, and there were too many thoughts pinwheeling through her head at once. By the time she became aware of Greg leading her up to the house, they were already at the door.
Which was when Urawa finally found his voice again. "Just a minute!" he protested. "I was talking with Ami!"
Greg glanced back. "It looked to me like you two were just sharing a very long pause together. Shouldn't studies come before that sort of thing?"
"But... we were... uh..."
The door closed behind Greg and Ami even as Urawa fumbled for words.
He grimaced. "Just don't get all complacent is all!" Urawa finally shouted to the closed door.
On the other side of said door, Greg shook his head. "Well, at least we didn't end up with a repeat of that early evening scene a couple weeks ago," he remarked.
Ami blinked up at him. Early evening a couple weeks ago? Wait, she remembered now...
If only she could just call up her feelings for Urawa again... then things would be all right. Urawa... months ago... the ferris wheel... their faces began to move closer together. It would be as it was...
"Hello, should you be doing that in public?" a voice interrupted.
"What did you think was going to happen this time?" Ami heard herself demand.
Greg shrugged. "Who can tell? You looked like you wanted time to to think to yourself." He released his hold on her arm. "And I really do have geography that needs going over this weekend. Help me out if you have time, okay?" He walked away towards the stairs.
Ami opened her mouth to respond to that, but her voice was gone yet again.
Had Greg thought she and Urawa had been leading up to a kiss? A little audacious of him to intercede then! Did she want to date someone like that? Oh why, oh why were things becoming complicated again?! What should she do now???
<closing theme>