

























































: I think I’m spiraling into depression again, wondering if I’m truly doing good in the …

: Edits to my first serial from 2014, now completed. (Links are updated, and images are embedded from …

: Welcome to August. Vacation, and time to see about fixing up the formatting from a decade of content …

: I suppose I should mention I’m still around? Suddenly lots going on in May, both …

: My daughter is smart, I noticed yesterday, eating bacon first, then fruit. So that if she gets full, …

: I need to get off WordPress. This seems like a fit, based on my research, with the possibility of …

: 7.08: Support Beam ANGEL PASTA: PART EIGHT "In that case," Angel said. "I'd say you help me rescue Patty." After all, …

: 7.07: Bad Lock ANGEL PASTA: PART SEVEN Angel reasoned that even though there was time to get to another room, the …

: 7.06: Sneak Errs ANGEL PASTA: PART SIX "Very well. The distraction technique is our best plan," Patty decided after a …

: 7.05: Angel Investigations ANGEL PASTA: PART FIVE The abandoned house in question was down near the seashore. Mimi had given …

: Goodbye 2023 It doesn’t feel right not having a post at all in December, so here’s a quick round-up …

: 7.04: Between You and Mimi ANGEL PASTA: PART FOUR Everything about Patty and the Epsilon Organization were nothing but …

: 7.03: Holo Graphic ANGEL PASTA: PART THREE Angel leaned her chin onto the palm of her hand once more, trying to ignore …

: 7.02: Pates Down ANGEL PASTA: PART TWO "About three weeks ago, I was cursed by a sea captain," Jules answered. Angel …

: Angel Pasta INDEX ɛ PROJECT WB (Writing Bufferless) presents… STORY 7: ANGEL PASTA Every Epsilon story can stand …

: 7.01: Raccoon City ANGEL PASTA: PART ONE "She pointed a gun at me," the irritating man accused, with impeccable French. …

: Plot Voting: Angel Pasta For those who have not been keeping track, I haven't run a live serial since April 2021. Between …

: Marmalade Mercury: Postlude *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* POSTLUDE: THE SPOILERS BEHIND THE STORY What better day than Ami's …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 15b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 15b: IMPACT OF A CONFESSION - HOW LONG …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 15a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 15a: IMPACT OF A CONFESSION - HOW LONG …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 14b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 14b: QUALIFICATION OF LOVE - THINGS …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 14a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 14a: QUALIFICATION OF LOVE - THINGS …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 13b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 13b: IN SEARCH OF A SOLUTION - URAWA, …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 13a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 13a: IN SEARCH OF A SOLUTION - URAWA, …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 12b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 12b: DECISION TIME? HOPING FOR THE …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 12a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 12a: DECISION TIME? HOPING FOR THE …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 11b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 11b: CELEBRATION! THE SIGNIFICANCE OF …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 11a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 11a: CELEBRATION! THE SIGNIFICANCE OF …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep10b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 10b: JUST THE TWO OF US. AN UNSETTLING …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep10a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 10a: JUST THE TWO OF US. AN UNSETTLING …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 9b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 9b: VIDEO VENDETTA. THE GAME IS AFOOT! …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 9a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 9a: VIDEO VENDETTA. THE GAME IS AFOOT! …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 8b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 8b: MIXED EMOTIONS. WHAT'S WITH THOSE …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 8a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 8a: MIXED EMOTIONS. WHAT'S WITH THOSE …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 7b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 7b: TOWER TOUR TROUBLE. COMPLICATIONS …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 7a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 7a: TOWER TOUR TROUBLE. COMPLICATIONS …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 6b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 6b: DILEMMA WITH A CHESS MATE. I CAN'T …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 6a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 6a: DILEMMA WITH A CHESS MATE. I CAN'T …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 5b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 5b: CONFRONTATIONS. CAN A MEDALLION …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 5a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 5a: CONFRONTATIONS. CAN A MEDALLION …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 4b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 4b: SECRETS OF THE PAST. THE TALE IS …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 4a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 4a: SECRETS OF THE PAST. THE TALE IS …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 3b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 3b: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS! WHAT WILL PEOPLE …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 3a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 3a: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS! WHAT WILL PEOPLE …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 2b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 2b: START OF A RIVALRY? URAWA'S …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 2a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 2a: START OF A RIVALRY? URAWA'S …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 1b Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 1b: TROUBLE BEGINS... A VISIT FROM …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 1a Previous Chapter Links Next *_* MARMALADE MERCURY *_* EP 1a: TROUBLE BEGINS... A VISIT FROM …

: Marmalade Mercury: Ep 0 EPISODE 0: THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY: ver. 6.1 ALTERATIONS: Some reformatting of paragraphs on …

: Site Update: July 2022 I have never worked harder in my life. Teaching math has shifted from quadmesters (2020-2021) to …

: Sine Field: Entry 4 A column about nothing So what’s the deal with all the reality based TV lately? Big Brother… …

: Sine Field: Entry 3 A column about nothing You know, it’s important not to rely too much on technology these days. It …

: Sine Field: Entry 2 A column about nothing You know, I think there’s really a generation gap forming because of all the …

: Sine Field: Entry 1 A column about nothing You know what I heard the other day? [No, but I have a feeling you’re going …

: How to Derive a Taylor Series Some people have wondered how I come up with such serial columns as General l’Hopital (v75, 1997; …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 2f End of the Taylor Series “Will you please explain to us what the point of all this was?” Ana …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 2e Full of questionable content “What are you doing at the Fourier Factory on this fine night?” Max …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 2d A subsidiary of Quantum Loop Enterprises Theorizing that one could time travel within their own …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 2c Why won’t that place just die? “Your ex claimed exclamation marks!” exclaimed Max Value. “Exactly, …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 2b The nonspecific continuation “These events do form an unusual sequence,” Max Value stated, a bit …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 2a The unprecedented revival Dr. Waterson patiently corrected the impatient patient’s chart with a …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 2f “That went well,” Hal acknowledged. Sham was returning from the police office, where he had left a …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 2e Hal looked up from his calculator. “The lucky numbers? They’re similar to the prime numbers. You …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 2d Hal walked into the Central Processing Room of Project Quantum Loop. “Any news?” he asked. Sushi, …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 2c Mr. Aba Cuss shook his head. “The fact that an abundant number is a number less than the sum of its …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 2b “Ah, there we go!” Hal declared. “4,294,967,297 worked, did it?” Sham verified. “Yeah… pretty big …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 2a Theorizing that one could time travel within their own lifetime, Doctor Sham Breakit stepped into …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 1 Bonus You may recall that Entry 1a featured an early sketch of what would end up becoming the cover of the …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 1f Term Termination Ana stopped when she saw the visitor. “I’m just here to process a package,” Max …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 1e …not anti-longed Electra Lysis walked into Room 231, put down her things and closed the double …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 1d I don’t know C… Electra (or Elly as she was known) slapped her $50.00 fee down on the counter in …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 1c Apparently, to be… Max sat at the restaurant table, picking at his fishbone. Earlier, he’d resorted …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 1b you were warned… “He’s had some improbable reaction!” Dr. Waterson realized. “Send out copies of …

: General l'Hopital: Entry 1a mathNEWS, Volume 75, issue 1 : Friday, September 26, 1997 [Yes, that's literally all we have for the …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 1f “An aliquot is a number which can be divided evenly into another number!” shouted Hal and Rick …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 1e Sham was hurrying through the hall when he heard the imagine chamber door open and saw Hal step …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 1d Al Locute watched as Professor Late walked out of the Reflex Angle Cafe and dropped his food. “Hal!” …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 1c Sham tossed the dart at the board at the same time as Hal Calalilli appeared. The dart flew through …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 1b Sham sank into his - or technically Professor Cal Q. Late’s - office chair. The only thing he’d been …

: Quantum Loop: Entry 1a Theorizing that one could time travel within their own lifetime, Doctor Sham Breakit stepped into …

: Paths Not Taken 6 To look back at "Epsilon 6", I feel a "Paths Not Taken" post is more appropriate than a "Behind the …

: Summary of 2020 How was my 2020? Consider I started writing this in February 2021, and now it’s April. To be …

: 6.18: Over Clover Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART EIGHTEEN "I will start to listen." Alijdah cleared …

: 6.18: Space Battle Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART EIGHTEEN “I’ll admit, that was unexpected,” Alijah …

: 6.17: Field Work Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART SEVENTEEN Alijda fought down the urge to panic. …

: 6.16: Door Stop Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART SIXTEEN By the time Alice arrived at the fight, …

: 6.15: Self Doubts Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART FIFTEEN "Trixie?" The redheaded techno-witch heard …

: 6.14: What the H? Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART FOURTEEN It wasn't out of the realm of possibility …

: 6.13: Ad Hoc Talk Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART THIRTEEN "Is it just me?" Para asked. "Or is this …

: 6.12: Who Runs the Asylum Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART TWELVE Trixie had checked herself out of the …

: Time Untied Characters Hello all! Apologies for the silence. I didn’t think I’d really be missed. I’ve …

: 6.11: Before the Dawn Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART ELEVEN "Stop right there." Beam froze in place. …

: 6.10: Mind Games Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART TEN Beam felt violated. It was one thing for an …

: 6.09: Elevator Pitch Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART NINE How concerned should a bunny be about a …

: 6.08: Enter and Break Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART EIGHT Trixie smirked under her mask. "If I didn't …

: 6.07: Double Park Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART SEVEN Alice counted down the seconds until the …

: 6.06: Perspective Shift Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART SIX "Pyon pyon. Pyon pyon." Trixie looked up from …

: 6.05: An Arrested Development Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART FIVE "Hello! I'm under arrest, how's your day …

: 6.04: Balance Beams Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART FOUR "Don't do that," Trixie said, frowning. Beam …

: 6.03: Bunny Can't Buy Happiness Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART THREE "I'm in here for at least fourteen days?" …

: 6.02: Viral Video Previous INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART TWO "What the hell just happened?" Para smiled …

: 6.01: Have an Ice Day <- To Story 5 INDEX 6 Next SMOKE WITH MIRRORS: PART ONE Her client peered at her. "Trixie... …

: Smoke with Mirrors INDEX ɛ PROJECT WB (Writing Bufferless) presents… STORY 6: SMOKE WITH MIRRORS Every Epsilon story can …

: Virga: Behind the Scenes There’s actually a lot that went on behind the scenes of “Virga Mysteries”, …

: Plot Voting 6 [caption id=“attachment_342” align=“alignleft” width=“150”] …

: Epsilon Project: 1-5 This is a summary for the Epsilon Project serial… complete through to the end of STORY FIVE. …

: Virga: Act 6F Previous INDEX xxx A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 6f: OF MELISSA AND JAMES …

: Virga: Act 6E Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 6e: OF MELISSA AND JAMES “Because,” …

: Virga: Act 6D Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 6d: OF MELISSA AND JAMES “Fine, fine,” …

: Virga: Act 6C Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 6c: OF MELISSA AND JAMES Annie Potts …

: Summary of 2019 Hello, my readers! Life has been busy, as you can tell by this site’s wrap-up post for last …

: Virga: Act 6B Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 6b: OF MELISSA AND JAMES I considered …

: Virga: Act 6A Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 6a: OF MELISSA AND JAMES Melissa's escape …

: Virga: Act 5E Previous INDEX Next Act A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 5e: OF ZOMBIES AND ZEALOTS Melissa …

: Virga: Act 5D Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 5d: OF ZOMBIES AND ZEALOTS Melody was …

: Virga: Act 5C Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 5c: OF ZOMBIES AND ZEALOTS Trixie looked …

: Virga: Act 5B Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 5b: OF ZOMBIES AND ZEALOTS "Come on up," I …

: Virga: Act 5A Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 5a: OF ZOMBIES AND ZEALOTS “This is …

: Virga: Act 4E Previous INDEX Next Act A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 4e: OF PARENTS AND PROGRAMMING Okay, …

: Virga: Act 4D Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 4d: OF PARENTS AND PROGRAMMING Melissa …

: Virga: Act 4C Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 4c: OF PARENTS AND PROGRAMMING "How many …

: Virga: Act 4B Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 4b: OF PARENTS AND PROGRAMMING "Very well, …

: Virga: Act 4A Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 4a: OF PARENTS AND PROGRAMMING “Wayne …

: Virga: Act 3E Previous INDEX Next Act A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 3e: OF LYCANS AND PROPHECIES I stared. …

: Virga: Act 3D Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 3d: OF LYCANS AND PROPHECIES At first, Amy …

: Virga: Act 3C Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 3c: OF LYCANS AND PROPHECIES Melissa's …

: Virga: Act 3B Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 3b: OF LYCANS AND PROPHECIES Tapping the …

: Virga: Act 3A Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 3a: OF LYCANS AND PROPHECIES Melissa’s …

: Virga: Act 2E Previous INDEX Next Act A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 2e: OF VAMPYRES AND GENIES In fact, …

: Virga: Act 2D Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 2d: OF VAMPYRES AND GENIES “Phone the …

: Virga: Act 2C Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 2c: OF VAMPYRES AND GENIES Melissa …

: Virga: Act 2B Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 2b: OF VAMPYRES AND GENIES "Declino," …

: Virga: Act 2A Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 2a: OF VAMPYRES AND GENIES Bizarrely, I …

: Virga: Act 1F Previous INDEX Next Act A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 1f: OF WITCHES AND DEMONS I realized I …

: Virga: Act 1E Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 1e: OF WITCHES AND DEMONS The whole …

: Virga: Act 1D Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 1d: OF WITCHES AND DEMONS Melissa merely …

: Virga: Act 1C Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 1c: OF WITCHES AND DEMONS Where were …

: Virga: Act 1B Previous INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 1b: OF WITCHES AND DEMONS Melissa walked …

: Behind the Scenes 5 At the end of “Epsilon 4”, I did a “Paths Not Taken” for some additional …

: Virga: Act 1A Earlier Cases INDEX Next A Virga Mystery: BALANCING ACT ACT 1a: OF WITCHES AND DEMONS It was as I …

: 5.14: A Mew Sing Previous INDEX 5 Next: TBD CHANCED ERASURES: PART FOURTEEN Alice considered doing something to …

: 5.13: A Sam Rang Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART THIRTEEN Para wasn't sure if she should be impressed …

: 5.12: Self Reflection Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART TWELVE Chartreuse knew that their mission was now …

: 5.11: Loose Thred Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART ELEVEN "And stay there," Shay said. He slammed the …

: 5.10: Rip Tied Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART TEN Para ducked as the sparkles rained down on …

: 5.09: Spell Check Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART NINE "You planning on attacking someone with a …

: 5.08: Shadow Cat? Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART EIGHT Alice began humming 'Under Pressure' by Queen, …

: 5.07: Jailbreak Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART SEVEN "Ever feel like people don't want you to …

: 5.06: Strange Cymbals Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART SIX Chartreuse pursed her lips. “I’m sure you’re …

: 5.05: Medical Alert Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART FIVE “Whoops, we can’t go this way,” Sue remarked. …

: 5.04: Missing Links Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART FOUR Alice Vunderlande knew an interrogation room …

: 5.03: Cabinet Shuffle Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART THREE For Chartreuse, blending in was relative. It’s …

: 5.02: Room - or has it? Previous INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART TWO Para was nervous. It wasn’t so much that she was …

: 5.01: Taken <-To Story 4 INDEX 5 Next CHANCED ERASURES: PART ONE Whenever a pay phone rang near …

: Chanced Erasures INDEX ɛ PROJECT WB (Writing Bufferless) presents… STORY 5: CHANCED ERASURES Every Epsilon story can stand …

: Virga: Entry 3d <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT>> A VIRGA MYSTERY Borderline: Case 3d Melissa pulled out a …

: Plot Voting 5 The last part of the “University Witch”/“Virga Mysteries” cases runs …

: Virga: Entry 3c <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY Borderline: Case 3c "So, how do you normally proceed …

: May Day May Day In May 2017 this blog got 1933 page views from 330 visitors. In May 2018 (last month) this blog got …

: Virga: Entry 3b <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY Borderline: Case 3b As I entered the kitchen, …

: Virga: Entry 3a <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY Borderline: Case 3a I can only assume by now that …

: Virga: Entry 2d <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY Net Worth: Entry 2d Fortunately for me, at the …

: Virga: Entry 2c <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY Net Worth: Entry 2c According to Melissa, this is …

: Virga: Entry 2b <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY Net Worth: Entry 2b (really) Melissa marched right …

: Virga - Entry 2b <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY Net Worth: Entry 2b Most of what Melissa did and …

: Virga: Entry 2a <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY Net Worth: Entry 2a Hello, James Conway, back for a …

: Virga: Entry 1d <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY The Invisible Girl: Entry 1d Dan didn’t lunge …

: Virga: Entry 1c <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY The Invisible Girl: Entry 1c "And that's it," …

: Virga: Entry 1b <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY The Invisible Girl: Entry 1b I heard nothing more …

: Virga: Entry 1a <PREV MISC INDEX NEXT> A VIRGA MYSTERY The Invisible Girl: Entry 1a I can already tell that …

: Virga: University Witch UNIVERSITY WITCH Casefiles Introduction I can still remember the first time I met Melissa Virga. I …

: Paths Not Taken 5 Even though I transferred the “choices NOT taken” info to the end of individual posts for Story4, …

: 4.16: Fate’s Wide Wheel Previous INDEX 4 To Story 5 EPSILON DELTA, PART SIXTEEN: FATE’S WIDE WHEEL Kat had been fine with …

: 4.15: Rose to the Occasion Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART FIFTEEN: ROSE TO THE OCCASION Rose watched Alijda as …

: 4.14: Tied and True Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART FOURTEEN: TIED AND TRUE “Wondering about Kat?” Alijda …

: 4.13: Search and Re-Skew Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART THIRTEEN: SEARCH AND RE-SKEW They had soon left the …

: No Update: Hiatus Sorry everyone. No “Epsilon Project: Epsilon Delta” update today, or for the foreseeable future. …

: 4.12: Non Scents Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART TWELVE: Non Scents “The next move... should be yours, …

: 4.11: Trail Mix Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART ELEVEN: TRAIL MIX Alijda stared at the station’s …

: 4.10: See Deuce Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART TEN: SEE DEUCE “Okay, good idea,” Rose decided, nodding …

: Behind the Scenes 4 Number four! This site’s first two “Behind the Scenes” talked about how I fit writing the first …

: 4.09: Destination: Destiny Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART NINE: DESTINATION: DESTINY Kat suspected that his brain …

: 4.08: The Arm of Fate Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART EIGHT: The Arm of Fate “Wait, wait, I want to hear more …

: 4.07: Goodness Gracious Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART SEVEN: Goodness Gracious Rose stared at Kat. He, in …

: 4.06: She Loves Me Not Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART SIX: SHE LOVES ME NOT Kat was the last to arrive out of …

: A Solo Cello Everyone’s changing, I stay the same, I'm... A solo cello, outside a chorus. I’ve got a secret, it’s …

: 4.05: Holo Victory Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART FIVE: Holo Victory Rose repeated the “hand squeeze of …

: 4.04: Turnabout Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART FOUR: Turnabout Kat Conway made his decision before …

: 4.03: State of Confusion Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART THREE: State of Confusion “Ziggy,” Rose said. “Initiate …

: 4.02: How Far She'll Go Previous INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART TWO: How Far She’ll Go Alijda’s home universe included …

: TTC: Commentary 28 “Time & Tied” PARTS 94-96 Original Date Of Completion: SEPTEMBER 12, 2009 What I Was Doing: …

: 4.01: Beam &amp; Me, Up (See Story 3) INDEX 4 Next EPSILON DELTA, PART ONE: Beam & Me, Up Rosemary Thorne tried not …

: Epsilon Delta INDEX ɛ PROJECT WB (Writing Bufferless) presents… STORY 4: EPSILON DELTA Every Epsilon story can stand …

: TT5.00: Time Untied Congratulations, you’ve found the Season 2 bonus. (The Season 1 bonus was “Arc 2.4 …

: TT4.96c: Respite II PREVIOUSLY: Everything. Including this guest post. Previous INDEX END? PART 96c: RESPITE II …

: TT4.96b: Resolution PREVIOUSLY: Carrie/Elizabeth forked the timeline. This allows her to become a Temporal God in the …

: Plot Voting 4 With “Time & Tied” wrapping up on Tuesday, May 30th, this site will transition back …

: TT4.96a: The Ultimate Paradox PREVIOUSLY: Carrie of the past (Elizabeth) is trying to figure out how to not become the Future …

: TT4.95b: Carrie Versus Herself PREVIOUSLY: Carrie of the past (Elizabeth) is trying to figure out how to not become the Future …

: TT4.95a: Endgame PREVIOUSLY: Carrie of the past (Elizabeth) is trying to figure out how to not become the Future …

: TT4.94b: Buffy's Return PREVIOUSLY: Carrie of the past (Elizabeth) is trying to figure out how to not become the Future …

: TT4.94a: Realignment PREVIOUSLY: Much Elder Carrie (Liz) sabotaged her own Timeline Three, leading to Elder Carrie …

: TT4.93b: Timeline Four Redux PREVIOUSLY: Frank, Laurie and Tim ended up in the future of “Timeline Three”. A timeline …

: TT4.93a: Nowhere to Run PREVIOUSLY: As the time group got ready to send Mindylenopia back, Carrie realized something was …

: TTC: Commentary 27 “Time & Tied” PARTS 88-90 1. Original Date Of Completion: AUGUST 27, 2009 2. What I Was Doing: …

: TT4.92b: Veni, Vidi, Veniti PREVIOUSLY: One of the security people is immune to Mindy’s mental power. Elsewhere, Laurie …

: TT4.92a: Storming the Castle PREVIOUSLY: Laurie’s mission is to make people believe Mindy is outside Carrie’s party, …

: TT4.91b: Rewrite the Future PREVIOUSLY: They need what Julie has, to help Mindy travel back. But Luci tried to throw Julie out, …

: TT4.91a: Reunite the Future PREVIOUSLY: Luci explained about the future. To help Mindy, she’ll now need to contact Julie. …

: TT4.90b: Insight the Future PREVIOUSLY: Frank wants to help Mindy, to get her prototype temporal gun. Luci says it’s not …

: TT4.90a: Fight the Future PREVIOUSLY: Stuck in the wrong future, Frank and Tim meet Mindylenopia - because Future Mindy in …

: TT4.89b: Timeline Three PREVIOUSLY: Frank has realized they are in the future of “Timeline Three”, where he …

: TT4.89a: Identity Crisis PREVIOUSLY: Frank, Laurie and Tim have chased after Carrie into the future, where they’ve …

: TTC: Commentary 26 “Time & Tied” PARTS 84-85 1. Original Date Of Completion: AUGUST 20, 2009 2. What I Was Doing: …

: TT4.88b: Future Imperfect PREVIOUSLY: A fifty-year old Carrie has abducted her teenaged self. Characters have pursued her from …

: TT4.88b: A Future Darkly PREVIOUSLY: A fifty-year old Carrie has abducted her teenaged self. Characters have pursued her from …

: TT4.88a: Getaway PREVIOUSLY: An older Carrie abducted her teenaged self, took Glen, and killed Mindy. Leaving Frank, …

: TT4.87b: Trapped PREVIOUSLY: Frank caught Carrie up on everything. Then Glen told Carrie why she can’t save her …

: TT4.87a: The Plain Truth PREVIOUSLY: Carrie went back in time to save her mother. Frank has caught up to her at the Miami …

: TT4.86b: M. I. A. PREVIOUSLY: To figure out the Miami International Airport, the time group split up - Laurie, Tim and …

: TT4.86a: Miami is Nice PREVIOUSLY: Carrie went back in time to save her mother. Glen and Mindy said that wouldn’t …

: TT4.85b: Closing The Loop PREVIOUSLY: The time machine has been rebuilt into a car. We know events will send Frank (et al) …

: TT4.85a: Powering Up PREVIOUSLY: Megan is suspicious of Carrie’s behaviour - not knowing that the person is really …

: TT4.84b: Crossing Paths

PREVIOUSLY: Beth is replacing Carrie in the present, as a time machine is rebuilt. Laurie was taken …

: TT4.84a: Adjustments PREVIOUSLY: Recreating a time machine will take weeks. Future incarnations have appeared, with a …

: TTC: Commentary 25 “Time & Tied” PARTS 80-81 [caption id=“attachment_1584” …

: TT4.83b: Double Trouble PREVIOUSLY: Glen and Mindy explained temporal theory - and said that Carrie would never be able to …

: TT4.83a: Temporal Alignment PREVIOUSLY: Julie decided the best plan was to bring Glen (who wants to preserve the future) and …

: TT4.82b: After Effects PREVIOUSLY: Mindylenopia is at the LaMille mansion, as others prepare to meet Glen in Willowdale …

: TT4.82a: Remaking History PREVIOUSLY: The group considered help from Glen towards getting Carrie back. Mindylenopia’s …


: TT4.81a: Mum's The Word PREVIOUSLY: Carrie vanished during the school talent show. Everyone has parts of the puzzle… …

: TT4.80b: Not Forgotten PREVIOUSLY: Glen gave mental suggestions to others, hoping to destroy Julie’s temporal chip. …

: TT4.80a: Vanishing Act PREVIOUSLY: Chartreuse knows something is up with Carrie, but not what. Carrie will have destroyed a …

: TTC: Commentary 24 “Time & Tied” PARTS 76-77 [caption id=“attachment_1509” …

: TT4.79b: Cross Purposes PREVIOUSLY: Megan’s actions seem to be interfering with Chartreuse’s mystic readings. …

: TT4.79a: Truth and Consequences PREVIOUSLY: Megan beat out Corry for control of the school. To read Carrie, Chartreuse needs Megan …

: TT4.78b: Connecting PREVIOUSLY: Someone named Mindylenopia called Julie, offering help. Chartreuse tried to get a mystic …

: TT4.78a: Cheer Up PREVIOUSLY: Glen gave mental suggestions to others, trying to do away with a chip Julie had created, …

: TT4.77b: Timeline Five? PREVIOUSLY: Tim retrieved a computer chip from the train station for Julie. Clarke tried to take it …

: TT4.77a: Double Blind PREVIOUSLY: Julie is secretly rebuilding the time machine. She hoped Tim would pick up a microchip, …

: TT4.76b: New Recruit PREVIOUSLY: Chartreuse sensed trouble between Julie and Glen. Tim said he would ask Julie about it. …

: TT4.76a: Bad Signs PREVIOUSLY: Julie cut herself off from everyone except Tim, as she’s secretly rebuilding the …

: TTC: Commentary 23 “Time & Tied” PARTS 71-72 [caption id=“attachment_1441” …

: TT4.75b: More Questioning PREVIOUSLY: Julie told Clarke’s sister that she had a way to not cut herself off completely. …

: TT4.75a: Hi Anxiety PREVIOUSLY: Glen taught Carrie how to temporally banish Mindylenopia. Frank and Luci broke up. …

: TT4.74b: The Mediant PREVIOUSLY: A violin was broken, and Megan said she’d be blamed. She told the principal there …

: TT4.74a: Leading Tone PREVIOUSLY: A violin was broken, and both Laurie and Chartreuse explained what they knew… …

: TT4.73b: Dominant Note PREVIOUSLY: A violin was broken, and Laurie explained what she knew… from her perspective. …

: TT4.73a: Four Part Harmony PREVIOUSLY: Megan reigns supreme among the student body, having manipulated Corry and Julie. Julie …

: TT4.72b: That's a Wrap PREVIOUSLY: Julie agreed to talk to Mary Clarke. Carrie had a condition for all the interactions. …

: TT4.72a: Killer Conversation PREVIOUSLY: Luci and Frank have each talked to Mary, Clarke’s sister. Carrie is trying to …

: TT4.71b: Psych Doubt PREVIOUSLY: Clarke needs Carrie to talk to his sister Mary about time travel, to help Julie. Luci …

: TT4.71a: Shrink Rap PREVIOUSLY: In Book 3, Carrie destroyed the time machine and Julie broke up with Clarke. Previous …

: Resolution Index TIME & TIED TT (Time & Tied) presents… STORY 4: RESOLUTION You can start reading ARC 1 …

: TTC: Commentary 22 “Time & Tied” PARTS 67-68 Original Date Of Completion: NOVEMBER 24, 2003 What I Was Doing: In …

: TT3.70b: Timeline Four Previously: Luci’s consciousness became trapped inside Frank’s body with him, all because Carrie …

: TT3.70a: Timeline Four Previously: An accident with the time machine placed Luci’s consciousness into Frank’s body. They …

: TT3.69b: Do You Mind? Previously: Frank’s body appeared after a time trip, while in the present, Luci is unconscious. …

: TT3.69a: Do You Mind? Previously: Julie broke up with Clarke. Carrie hoped Frank or Luci could rig the time machine for an …

: TT3.68b: Woodlands Omen Previously: Hank Waterson writes a story about woodland creatures with magical powers who have the …

: TT3.68a: Woodlands Omen Previously: Hank Waterson writes a story about woodland creatures with magical powers who have the …

: TT3.67b: Woodlands Detour Previously: Hank Waterson writes a story about woodland creatures with magical powers who have the …

: TT3.67a: Woodlands Detour Previously: The time group fractured. Mindy used mental powers to get Hank Waterson to write a …

: TTC: Commentary 21 “Time & Tied” PARTS 63-64 Original Date Of Completion: OCTOBER 16, 2003 What I Was Doing: In …

: TT3.66b: Shattered Previously: Clarke is talking to his sister Mary about conversations he had earlier that Sunday. …

: TT3.66a: Shattered Previously: Clarke is talking to his sister Mary about visiting people on Sunday. Luci blew up Tim’s …

: TT3.65b: Making the Rounds Previously: Clarke is talking to his sister Mary about visiting people on Sunday. Carrie asserted to …

: TT3.65a: Making the Rounds Previously: Mindy was banished by Carrie, but left a warning message about Glen, via her father. …

: TT3.64b: Banishment Previously: When Mindy reappears, Glen and Carrie plan to banish her, while Julie and the others …

: TT3.64a: Banishment Previously: Luci and Tim were busy translating Linquist’s notes. Carrie threatened everyone, and …

: TT3.63b: Blame Game Previously: Luci and Carrie independently decided to resume contact with Julie and the others. Glen …

: TT3.63a: Blame Game Previously: Glen told Carrie he’d show her how to banish Mindy. Luci and Tim worked on Linquist’s …

: TTC: Commentary 20 “Time & Tied” PARTS 59-60 Original Date Of Completion: SEPTEMBER 5, 2003 What I Was Doing: In …

: TT3.62b: Fragmented Plans Previously: Mindy visited Mr. Waterson. The temporal teenager group are plotting to capture Mindy, …

: TT3.62a: Fragmented Plans Previously: Someone called “Mindy” appeared in the present. Carrie met with Glen, who revealed he’s …

: TT3.61b: The Conspiracy Unfolds Previously: Luci discovered Linquist’s logbook was in another language. Someone named “Mindy” …

: TT3.61a: The Conspiracy Unfolds Previously: Last year, Julie was mentally influenced to shoot Carrie. Carrie recently had a future …

: TT3.60b: Under Attack Previously: A mystery girl appeared in front of a jogger. Julie got her friends to pit Joe and Tommy …

: TT3.60a: Under Attack Previously: Julie got Carrie and Chartreuse to identify threats against Corry. Luci discovered that …

: TT3.59b: Power Struggle Previously: Chartreuse has a thing for Carrie since the school dance. Luci couldn’t crack Linquist’s …

: TT3.59a: Power Struggle Previously: Sue attacked Corry at September’s dance, claiming she did it for Julie. A time trip to …

: TTC: Commentary 19 “Time & Tied” PARTS 55-56 Original Date Of Completion: DECEMBER 28, 2002 What I Was Doing: …

: TT3.58: See Kings Previous INDEX Next 3.11: SEE KINGS "We're practicing for a play," Carrie said, quickly repeating …

: TT3.57: Help Wanted Previous INDEX Next 3.10: HELP WANTED "Lee, I'm talking to you." Lee jerked his gaze over towards …

: TT3.56: Tone Down Previous INDEX Next 3.09: TONE DOWN "Carrie! Carrie!!” She began to turn at the sound of her …

: TT3.55: Tune Up Previous INDEX Next 3.08: TUNE UP The band hit the final chord as Corry finished singing. He …

: TTC: Commentary 18 “Time & Tied” PARTS 51-52 Original Date Of Completion: JULY 14, 2002 What I Was Doing: Summer …

: TT3.54: The Mansion Previous INDEX Next 3.07: THE MANSION "She's not in the bathroom," Carrie said as she emerged. …

: TT3.53: Mental Strain Previous INDEX Next 3.06: MENTAL STRAIN Julie stared in silence at the shadows on her bedroom …

: The Silent Statistics The last month has been a little crazy. On Sunday, June 26th, I wrote a “Time & Tied” guest post …

: TT3.52: Tope Springs Eternal Previous INDEX Next 3.05: TOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL "Okay, wait, stop, hold the phone!" Carrie …

: TT3.51: The Visionaries Previous INDEX Next 3.04: THE VISIONARIES "Luci! Guess what I got today!” Frank said as he opened …

: TTC: Commentary 17 “Time & Tied” PART 48 Original Date Of Completion: AUGUST 24, 2015 What I Was Doing: Trying to …

: TT3.50: Carrie On Previous INDEX Next 3.03: CARRIE ON “I called the cafe," Chartreuse said, re-entering her …

: TT3.49: New Arrival Previous INDEX Next 3.02: NEW ARRIVAL "Welcome back to school!" the teacher announced. "I am Mrs. …

: TT3.48: Talking To Herself 3.01: TALKING TO HERSELF As soon as Carrie Waterson saw herself standing at the entrance to the …

: Destruction Index TIME & TIED TT (Time & Tied) presents… STORY 3: DESTRUCTION Carrie Waterson's temporal …

: Paths Not Taken 4 A brief reminder that I started this style of post with the second Epsilon story; it’s a look at the …

: 3.17: Firing Line Previous INDEX 3 -->Story 4 FULL SCALE INVASION, PART SEVENTEEN: FIRING LINE “What’s your …

: 3.16: Perchance to Dream Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART SIXTEEN: Perchance to Dream Kat watched as Alijda …

: 3.15: Rescue Strangers Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART FIFTEEN: RESCUE STRANGERS Some people were good …

: 3.14: Bad Plan Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART FOURTEEN: BAD PLAN Para wasn’t entirely sure what …

: 3.13: Transformation Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART THIRTEEN: Transformation It’s strange, the common …

: Behind the Scenes 3 My first two “behind the scenes” posts were for my first serial on this site, in 2014. …

: 3.12: Thimbolism Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART TWELVE: Thimbolism When you’re under three feet …

: 3.11: Fit for a Queeny Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART ELEVEN: FIT FOR A QUEENY “Go on without me.” “Not …

: 3.10: Station Airy Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART TEN: STATION AIRY “What does it feel like… …

: Paths Not Taken 3 I started this style of post with the second Epsilon story, and have decided to continue it here. …

: 3.09: PROM, Committee Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART NINE: PROM, Committee Para hesitated to speak as …

: 3.08: Half the Battle Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART EIGHT: HALF THE BATTLE “You can say ‘I told you …

: 3.07: Double Downer Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART SEVEN: DOUBLE DOWNER Para felt nauseous, to the …

: 3.06: Fool Me Twice Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART SIX: FOOL ME TWICE “We can’t go back to the …

: 3.06: Tour-ism Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART SIX: Tour Ism Alijda pondered over their options. …

: 3.05: Info Swap Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART FIVE: Info Swap A voice came from the other side …

: 3.04: Small Problem Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART FOUR: Small Problem “Or we can not do ‘this’ at …

: 3.03: Whirlpool Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART THREE: Whirlpool “You hate the suit?” “I didn’t …

: 3.02: Kat Scan Previous INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART TWO: Kat Scan “People usually have a reason for …

: 3.01: Data Integrity (Back to Story2) INDEX 3 Next FULL SCALE INVASION, PART ONE: Data Integrity “I want to kill …

: Full Scale Invasion INDEX ɛ PROJECT WB (Writing Bufferless) presents… STORY 3: FULL SCALE INVASION SO FAR: The Epsilon …

: TT2.47b: Outtakes of Time What if this serial were being filmed? What would end up in the blooper reel? I imagined some 14 …

: TTC: Commentary 16 “Time & Tied” PARTS 43 & 44 Original Date Of Completion: JUNE 30, 2002 What I Was Doing: …

: TT2.47: Respite Previous INDEX To BOOK 3 PART 47: RESPITE "Ten seconds. Sorry guys, I guess Carrie’s gonna, like, …

: Plot Voting 3 “Time & Tied” Book 2 will be wrapping up this Friday. I need a break, partly because …

: TT2.46: Out Of Time Previous INDEX Next PART 46: OUT OF TIME Lee joined the others at the hospital. He’d already been …

: TT2.45: Full Circle Previous INDEX Next PART 45: FULL CIRCLE "Uhhhnnn," groaned Clarke, gradually regaining his …

: TT2.44: Turning Point Previous INDEX Next PART 44: TURNING POINT ***PAST: ILLINOIS “Great. No LaMilles listed in …

: TT2.43: Desperate Times Previous INDEX Next PART 43: DESPERATE TIMES ***PAST: ILLINOIS A figure stirred within the quiet, …

: TTC: Commentary 15 “Time & Tied” PARTS 37 & 38 Original Date Of Completion: DEC 30, 2001 What I Was Doing: …

: TT2.42: Tied in Naughts Previous INDEX Next PART 42: TIED IN NAUGHTS ***PAST: ILLINOIS “You know,” Corry said …

: TT2.41: Rescue Efforts Previous INDEX Next PART 41: RESCUE EFFORTS The wind blew through the empty field, bending the …

: TT2.40: Reparations Previous INDEX Next PART 40: REPARATIONS "Corry... I want to know what's really going on." Her …

: TT2.39: Recovery Mode Previous INDEX Next PART 39: RECOVERY MODE Corry Veniti tapped his pencil on the page before him …

: TT2.38: Coming Together Previous INDEX Next PART 38: COMING TOGETHER Laurie finished shading in her drawing, then leaned …

: TT2.37: Geography &amp; Geometry Previous INDEX Next PART 37: GEOGRAPHY & GEOMETRY Hank Waterson stared down at the prone form …

: TTC: Commentary 14 “Time & Tied” PARTS 31 & 32 Original Date Of Completion: JUL 12, 2001 What I Was Doing: …

: TT2.36: Question Everything Previous INDEX Next PART 36: QUESTION EVERYTHING Clarke stood staring out the classroom window …

: TT2.35: The Wounded Previous INDEX Next PART 35: THE WOUNDED His pencil tapped idly against the pages as he looked …

: Coins &amp; Nov 12, 2015 Back when I was in high school, I used to pick up coins I found in the hall. I kept them in a tin in …

: TT2.34: Shots Fired Previous INDEX Next PART 34: SHOTS FIRED Julie stared up the driveway to her house. Despite her …

: TT2.33: Julie's Secret Previous INDEX Next PART 33: JULIE’S SECRET Principal Dell A. Hunt let out a sigh as he drove in …

: TT2.32: Frequent Flyers Previous INDEX Next PART 32: FREQUENT FLYERS Frank fell hard against the pavement. As he …

: TT2.31: Past Meets Future Previous INDEX Next PART 31: PAST MEETS FUTURE Julie twisted the Rubik’s cube around. Perhaps if …

: TTC: Commentary 13 “Time & Tied” PARTS 25 & 26 Original Date Of Completion: DEC 19, 2001 What I Was Doing: …

: TT2.30: Search and Rescue Previous INDEX Next PART 30: SEARCH AND RESCUE Luci dropped her pencil to flex her fingers …

: TT2.29: Growing Pains Previous INDEX Next PART 29: GROWING PAINS ''Dear Diary,'' scrawled Luci’s mechanical pencil. ''A …

: TT2.28: History Lesson Previous INDEX Next PART 28: HISTORY LESSON Carrie was in trouble almost immediately after her …

: TT2.27: Flashback Previous INDEX Next PART 27: FLASHBACK It was hate at first sight. Then again, no, perhaps hate …

: TT2.26: Time Zones Previous INDEX Next PART 26: TIME ZONES "What do you mean Chartreuse ran off for lunch with …

: TT2.25: Missing Piece Previous (Book 1) INDEX Next PART 25: MISSING PIECE Despite Luci’s best efforts, there were …

: Escalation INDEX TIME & TIED TT (Time & Tied) presents… STORY 2: ESCALATION Teenagers have discovered a time …

: TTC: Commentary 12 “Time & Tied” PARTS 23 & 24 1. Original Date Of Completion: JUNE 7, 2001 2. What I Was …

: TT1.24: Understandings Previous INDEX To Book 2 PART 24: UNDERSTANDINGS "Chartreuse,” Mr. Veniti said in surprise. "We …

: TT1.23: Rock Bottom Previous INDEX Next PART 23: ROCK BOTTOM Principal Dell Hunt rose, his gaze shifting away from …

: TTC: Commentary 11 “Time & Tied” PARTS 21 & 22 1. Original Date Of Completion: MAY 21, 2001 2. What I Was …

: TT1.22: Locker Up Previous INDEX Next PART 22: LOCKER UP "Chartreuse? Golly, Chartreuse, are you okay?" The pink …

: TT1.21: Serious Matters Previous INDEX Next PART 21: SERIOUS MATTERS Corry reached out a hand to knock on the bedroom …

: TTC: Commentary 10 “Time & Tied” PARTS 19 & 20 1. Original Date Of Completion: MAY 14, 2001 2. What I Was …

: TT1.20: Fallout Previous INDEX Next PART 20: FALLOUT Luci's gaze snapped away from Julie and onto Lee, who was …

: TT1.19: Dance Dance Redux Previous INDEX Next PART 19: DANCE DANCE REDUX Luci peered into the black box sitting on Frank's …

: TTC: Commentary 09 “Time & Tied” PARTS 17 & 18 1. Original Date Of Completion: APR 20, 2001 2. What I Was …

: TT1.18: Dance Dance Revolution Previous INDEX Next PART 18: DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION "Luci, I didn't expect to see you here," …

: TT1.17: Observer Effect Previous INDEX Next PART 17: OBSERVER EFFECT In a corner of the high school’s library sat a young …

: TTC: Commentary 08 “Time & Tied” PARTS 15 & 16 1. Original Date Of Completion: APR 8, 2001 2. What I Was Doing: …

: TT1.16: And Logical Mind Previous INDEX Next PART 16: AND LOGICAL MIND "Uh... time machine?" Frank answered uncertainly. …

: TT1.15: With Kaleidoscope Eyes Previous INDEX Next PART 15: WITH KALEIDOSCOPE EYES Luci Primrose woke up and reached over to her …

: TTC: Commentary 07 “Time & Tied” PARTS 13 & 14 1. Original Date Of Completion: MAR 20, 2001 2. What I Was …

: TT1.14: Double Takes, Part II Previous INDEX Next PART 14: DOUBLETAKES, PART II "Hello? You okay?" came a tentative voice. …

: TT1.13: Double Takes Previous INDEX Next (Psst... if you came here only via the Carrie Time Tracker, you missed Parts …

: TTC: Commentary 06 “Time & Tied” PARTS 11 & 12 1. Original Date Of Completion: FEB 22, 2001 2. What I Was …

: TT1.12: The Clarke Side Previous INDEX Next PART 12: THE CLARKE SIDE Clarke moved closer to Julie, musing on the fact …

: TT1.11: Phil Doubt Previous INDEX Next PART 11: PHIL DOUBT Phil Clarke swirled the liquid in his cup before taking …

: TTC: Commentary 05 “Time & Tied” PARTS 9 & 10 1. Original Date Of Completion: JAN 25, 2001 2. What I Was Doing: …

: TT1.10: Time Doubt Previous INDEX Next PART 10: TIME DOUBT Carrie blinked as Frank opened the door. He looked just …

: TT1.09: Present Tense Previous INDEX Next PART 9: PRESENT TENSE Carrie took a half step back as Frank opened the door. …

: TTC: Commentary 04 “Time & Tied” PARTS 7 & 8 1. Original Date Of Completion: DEC 3, 2000 2. What I Was Doing: …

: TT1.08: Sound The Alarm Previous INDEX Next PART 8: SOUND THE ALARM "You're late today," Julie remarked to Carrie as the …

: TT1.07: Group Chemistry Previous INDEX Next PART 7: GROUP CHEMISTRY (Carrie Time Tracker: Links that will allow reading …

: TTC: Commentary 03 “Time & Tied” PARTS 5 & 6 1. Original Date Of Completion: NOV 10, 2000 2. What I Was Doing: …

: TT1.06: Welcome Change Previous INDEX Next PART 6: WELCOME CHANGE "Of all the... how could this... how could you have …

: TT1.05: Breakdown Previous INDEX Next PART 5: BREAKDOWN Two intruders! The squirrel scurried up onto a higher …

: TTC: Commentary 02 “Time & Tied” PARTS 3 & 4 1. Original Date Of Completion: OCT 27, 2000 2. What I Was Doing: …

: TT1.04: Flight Attendance Previous INDEX Next PART 4: FLIGHT ATTENDANCE Carrie looked skeptically at Frank’s excited …

: TT1.03: The Plane Truth Previous INDEX Next PART 3: THE PLANE TRUTH "I... don't need... this stress..." panted Frank …

: TTC: Commentary 01 “Time & Tied” PARTS 1 & 2 1. Original Date Of Completion: OCT 15, 2000 2. What I Was Doing: …

: TT1.02: Time Out Previous INDEX Next PART 2: TIME OUT Both of them fell to the ground in a tangle of arms and …

: TT1.01: Timely Discovery Previous INDEX Next PART 1: TIMELY DISCOVERY It was the night before Carrie Waterson’s first …

: T&amp;T Characters TIME & TIED CHARACTER LIST (Epsilon Project characters can be found at this link.) PRIMARY …

: Awareness INDEX TIME & TIED TT (Time & Tied) presents... STORY 1: AWARENESS Teenagers discover a time …

: Paths Not Taken 2 Here’s the post you were perhaps expecting yesterday. (If you didn’t see what happened …

: 2.17: Simon's Travels Previous INDEX ...To Story3 WISH FULFILMENT, PART SEVENTEEN: Simon's Travels There was a bright …

: 2.16: Alternative Reality Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART SIXTEEN: Alternative Reality As soon as Chartreuse …

: 2.15: Future Tents Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART FIFTEEN: Future Tents The fireball flew straight for …

: 2.14: Into Fire Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART FOURTEEN: Into Fire Chartreuse was in the dungeon less …

: 2.13: Out of Frying Pan Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART THIRTEEN: Out of Frying Pan Chartreuse exchanged a …

: 2.12: Reversal Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART TWELVE: Reversal “Splitting the party has to be one of …

: 2.11: Hard Truths Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART ELEVEN: Hard Truths “Azure?!” Chartreuse gasped. “No …

: Paths Not Taken 1 In my last serial story (“Numbers Game”) I did a couple of “Behind the Scenes” posts for how I …

: 2.10: Magical Girl Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART TEN: Magical Girl “Okay, this is not, like, an …

: 2.09: Trial and Error Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART NINE: Trial and Error Chartreuse sensed that Simon was …

: 2.08: Evil Wins Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART EIGHT: Evil Wins “We can’t leave now, we just got …

: 2.07: Pink Link Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART SEVEN: Pink Link “Am I dead?” “No,” came the somewhat …

: 2.06: Passed Tents Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART SIX: Passed Tents Simon reached out to touch …

: 2.05: Deep Thoughts Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART FIVE: Deep Thoughts Being a magician, Simon had a fair …

: 2.04: Pan Handling Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART FOUR: Pan Handling Simon was going to die. Or at least …

: 2.03: Elf Help Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART THREE: Elf Help “Let’s go back to your place!” …

: 2.02: Nobody Home Previous INDEX Next WISH FULFILMENT, PART TWO: Nobody Home “We don’t seem to be, you know, …

: 2.01: Magic Man *WARNING: Chartreuse in this story comes from the end of “Time & Tied” Book 4. …

: Wish Fulfilment INDEX ɛ PROJECT WB (Writing Bufferless) presents... STORY 2: WISH FULFILMENT SO FAR: The Epsilon Project. …

: Behind the Scenes 2 Figured I might as well do this again. Maybe I’m taking a page from Scott Delahunt at The Chaos …

: Plot Voting 2 Last time the plot trended to science-fiction, so this time I’m leaning more towards a fantasy …

: Cast of Characters v.2 ALREADY RECRUITED: 1) ALISON “ALICE” VUNDERLANDE Age: Late 20s (From a BuffyMUX …

: 1.12: Choose Your Path Previous INDEX ...To Story2 NUMBERS GAME, PART TWELVE: CHOOSE YOUR PATH Alison took a step closer …

: 1.11: Tour de Force Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART ELEVEN: TOUR DE FORCE Para had never thought that she, a …

: 1.10: Reality Shows Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART TEN: REALITY SHOWS Alison van der Land. Or rather, Alijda …

: 1.09: Prepare Yourself Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART NINE: PREPARE YOURSELF Alison set aside the pink wig that …

: 1.08: Perchance Romance Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART EIGHT: PERCHANCE ROMANCE Phillip Denomolos frowned. The …

: 1.07: Causality Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART SEVEN: CAUSALITY Mason exchanged a quick glance with Para …

: Behind the Scenes 1 Anyone curious about how a serial gets written? Want to look behind the scenes of one? Then this …

: 1.06: Lead Time Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART SIX: LEAD TIME Para glanced back and forth between Alison …

: 1.05: No Plan Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART FIVE: NO PLAN “April 16th, 2005,” Mason noted. The …

: 1.04: IIII Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART FOUR: IIII The day was overcast. Mason elected to park his …

: 1.03: Her Past Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART THREE: HER PAST Alijda van Vliet had not had the easiest …

: 1.02: The Hub Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART TWO: THE HUB Mason watched as Para looked uncertainly back …

: 1.01: The Gathering Previous INDEX Next NUMBERS GAME, PART ONE: THE GATHERING The central control room for the …

: Numbers Game INDEX ɛ PROJECT WB (Writing Bufferless) presents... STORY 1: NUMBERS GAME Story 1 of ??? PRELUDE: The …

: Plot Voting 1 Following are three options for a plot, and five options for characters. The top plot will be …

: Cast of Characters Here is the potential cast list, at least as a starting point. Each story will need at least two …

: What is this? As The Doctor so recently said, that is not the question. The question is… what is this NOT? …